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5785 Prophecies

More churches to turn away from Godly principles

The spirit of apostasy will increase. Many of the churches that you have come to love and respect, they will be exposed. All of a sudden, you will realise that they are shifting from the word of God. They are shifting their position re abortion. They used to say that abortion is not of God, but now they are shifting their position and they are saying now that a woman has the right to do so. They will shift their position on the matter of same-sex. They will say God loves all persons and we can bless and marry two men as they are doing abroad. The remnant is very active in Jamaica, and so they will instill these thinking quietly here, but those with a reprobate mind will continue to try and push it. They will seek to recruit more and more of the pastors and more of those in the fivefold to be silent or to support.

Many of the denominations will be deviating. You have seen what has been happening with the Roman Catholic church through the pope. You have seen what is happening with some of the Methodist in the United States and elsewhere. We have had some situations involving the Baptist abroad. The church will support the beast, in the same way they are supporting the National Identification System (NIDS) now and they are supporting cashlessness.  They will be supporting other things like abortion and prostitution. Already, a number of them are supporting interfaith dialogue, and will start to support interfaith worship. They don’t have a problem with Muslims and so-called Christians sharing the same space and coming together to say they are going to pray. They will find some nice words to describe all of this and they will invite people to come and worship. Many will show up, because of the calibre of leaders who associate with those practices. It has already started, but it is going to get worse in 5785.


There will be more and more unrest globally, as people will be pushing back because their leaders who they elected are now behaving in ways that are uncharacteristic, and are now doing things that the people do not support. Persons would not have realised that these leaders had gone ahead and signed other agreements behind their backs, and they are now being forced by outside forces, to do the various things that they are doing. If we in Jamaica do not cry out and repent, we will not escape the chaos that will take place. No army and no police force globally will be able to quell it.

Dock workers protesting in the US

In the case of the United States, whichever way the election goes, there will be a major fight for power. There will be major unrest across the different states, primarily because there are proxy forces or operatives who are already on the ground there in the US and they are waiting for instructions. Do not be fooled by the mass refugees flooding into the nation. Among them are operatives who are on assignment and when the instructions are given, they are going to raise up and they are going to cause major problems. So turmoil is coming up.  The United States will be filled with problems. All sorts of stuff are going to be cropping up all over the place. It will be a form of judgement that the Lord will be allowing them to go through, primarily because they have turned their backs on God. Similarly, things will happen in the UK, but it will not be as turbulent as in the US. Canada will be going through some turbulence as well, primarily because they have turned their backs on God. There will be many forces that will come together to bring down the US.

God is about to move through the remnant in Africa. The world, the Europeans, the Chineese, and Russians and so on, they are seeking to further impoverish and emasculate Africa, but there is a remnant and Africa is going to rise, not all of Africa, but there are nations in Africa that will rise and the beast will not be able to dominate Africa, as they are planning.

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