5785 Prophecy

A Nation under judgement!

Famine of the Word of God

When God wants to judge a people, He gives them chances to repent; if they refuse, the judgement will come.

God has been warning Jamaica and now people are slowly waking up, when it is almost too late.

 It is approaching 12 midnight prophetically.

We are approaching one of the most consequential periods in the history of the globe and the sad reality is that many persons are not listening. The warnings were being given long ago. As it was in the time of Noah, who warned the people for over 100 years. Then there was Nineveh and they were warned for 40 days, and there have been many other situations where nations would have been warned for years and weeks and months.

God has never changed in terms of being slow to anger, yet abounding in love, but there comes a time when the mercy runs out and only God knows when the mercy runs out.

He never really tells anyone, when the mercy will run out. He would give the warnings, but when he is going to act, if He is going to act now, he will not tell anyone.

Things are going to get more topsy-turvy and the roller coaster effect will be intensifying as we get into 5785.

One of the things that will be happening is civil unrest, as people begin the push back against the powers that be, primarily because they will cry foul. They will be saying that the leaders have deceived them. People will literally wake up to realise that they elected a particular person and they thought they were the ones who elected them, but now the elected leaders are coming to force on us foreign cultures and practices and laws. They are now forcing us to go against what is right. People will be at a loss, they will be wondering what has hit them, what has happened. Persons who think that way were never listening to the prophetic voice which is speaking globally.

What will be happening in 5785, is that there will not just be a famine for physical food, but also a famine for the Word of God. Yes, there will be many people speaking, purportedly of God. You are going to have many such people, claiming to represent God, and they will claim to be speaking for God, when in truth and in fact, they are not. So the men and women of God, who will be speaking for Him, they will be few and far in between. They will not be as accessible as they are today. Things are going to be shifting, because of the increasing attack against freedom of speech. The powers that be globally, will come against them, to shut them down. So many who have their different platforms via the internet, including Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok and others, one of the things you will start to see happening in 5785, is that they will not be as available and accessible, because they will be shut down; they will be blocked, so not many will be able to access them as freely. So you will be in a broadcast or a service, worshipping online and all of a sudden, the feed goes, or the connection is severed, so the link is gone. When you eventually get to reconnect, the message is finished and when you try to see if you can download it, it is gone; it has disappeared.

The minds of people will be boggled, because there will be a lot of filth and falsehood on the internet. These lies and falsehoods will continue in 5785 and it will be everywhere you turn. You will be able to have access to this easily, but when it comes down to the truth, you are going to struggle to find it.

There will be a lot of content that sounds like the truth, but the truth will be targeted and they will be using Artificial Intelligence to do this. Once certain code words come up during various teachings, sermons, broadcasts and so on, then AI will be activated and the video will come to an end.

There are some rough times up ahead, as the purveyors of evil, those who are operatives of the beast, seek to shut down the voice of God.  There will be a famine for the Word of God. So in the same way you will stock up with water and stock up with food, one of the things you need to be stocking up on, is the Word of God as is stated in Psalm 119 verse 11.

We can go without physical food for some time, and water for some time, but when it comes to the Word of God, we will not be able to survive. Some will wilt and die and wallow in the quagmire without the Word of God. They will be like blind persons groping around, slipping and sliding all over, not knowing what is right from what is wrong, not knowing what to eat, what not to eat, being confused, hopeless    and listless. We need the Word of God. It is a weapon of offence and defence, it is light, it is life, it is healing, it is power. 

In 5785, as the attacks against the truth increase, they will shut down the truth and deceive the masses. Remember the words : distraction, deception, destruction. These words describe the strategy of the beast.
