Recently, I was a part of an online session that was being facilitated by my place of work in celebration of International Women’s Day. Shortly after the presenter’s introduction, the host started sharing her screen. I was instantly unsettled by the chosen theme, “Gender and Climate Change,” which begged the question, “What does gender have to do with climate change?” As she continued, my coworkers and I couldn’t help but simultaneously have an open discussion in the office as to the possible answers to this question. Shortly afterwards, the screen changed, and the following image appeared:

The presentation continued with much emphasis on the points listed under gender. Because they were made the focus, they were thoroughly dissected to reveal detailed explanations. I knew this was intentionally done to impress said concepts on the minds of the audience. And it seemed to work, based on the conversations among us as employees subsequent to the end of the session.
Personally, I concluded that if gender is all that was explained and more, perhaps it does impact climate change. A person who does not have a vision of who they really are will indeed live or act in such a way that will lead to their demise.
We could talk further about the gender vs. sex ideology and unearth the root of “climate change,” but that is not the intent of this article. Instead, I want us to focus on the overarching principle that will correct these deviations, and then some.
In a world where gender is being defined as being fluid, culturally specific, socially constructed over time, and having multiple manifestations, we ought to know who we are—our identity. defines identity as “the unique set of characteristics that can be used to identify a person as themselves and no one else.” The same source continues to explain that identity “can be used in different ways in different contexts. On a personal level, identity often refers to a person’s sense of self, meaning how they view themselves as compared to other people.” Now, this definition poses a risk of crisis if an individual’s sense of being is hinged on comparison to other people! As social and rational beings, we most naturally need the love, approval, and esteem of someone we love and respect to have a positive opinion of ourselves. However, that “someone” can’t be just anyone. We need a reference that is constant/unchanging (I am the Lord, and I do not change…Malachi 3:6; Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Hebrews 13:8). Our worthy Creator ought to be The One from Whom we seek approval.
Tameca N. Brown, in her article Who Are You? How to Understand Your Identity noted that “self-identity affects how we show up and approach life, bounce back from hardships, work with others, develop and maintain relationships, make decisions, and navigate life challenges.” In his book Oneness Embraced, Dr. Tony Evans confirmed that whenever people have an incomplete and inaccurate view of themselves, it negatively impacts their actions. Thus, perpetuating many preconceived notions of identity and the issues that result.
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God – Colossians 3:3
Whatever wrong or right we do/did, great or small we gain/ed, our achievements, etcetera, should not dictate our identity if we are born-again Believers. Instead, we are to see ourselves and confidently walk/live in alignment with God’s perspective and declarations concerning our identity. The noisy and deadly wisdom of this world is to be demolished and made captive to obey Christ (2 Cor 10:5).
Below are some reminders to renew and/or strengthen your mind as a youth concerning your true and only identity in Christ. You are…
- A Child of God – John 1:12
- Wise and restored – 1 Corinthians 1:30
- Part of a New creation – 2 Corinthians 5:17
- Chosen, holy and blameless – Ephesians 1:4
- God’s handiwork created in Christ for good works – Ephesians 2:10
- Loved – 1 Thessalonians 1:4
- Made complete ‐ 2 Pet 1:3, 2 Corinthians 12:9
There are so many other references to show you that your identity is set by God. It is not achieved but received, meaning it is not performance-based in the sense of being earned. It is God’s grace that divinely enables you to live according to His decrees concerning you as you submit to Him.
Therefore, as you embrace His grace, your life will be filled with righteous works instead of contradicting His word. So, find your identity in and through the lens of the Word of God, allow Him to define you, and determine how you approach all aspects of life. Remember, the key to knowing yourself is to know God through Jesus Christ.
Purpose Hamilton has overcome much through Christ and wants to be a Godly influence to the youth population. A trained educator and member of Passion and Purity, contact her at