“Redeemed, renewed, repositioned!”

Our summer camp experience

Living in the will of God is the only thing that will ever bring true peace, joy, contentment, and yes…excitement! “What is the will of God for me?” you might ask? That you be “Redeemed” from the enemy’s grip and returned to the loving hands of God the Father, “Renewed” in your spirit, soul, and body, and “Repositioned” from the kingdom of darkness, into the Kingdom of Light and unto the path of purpose God created for you”

Enjoy a few testimonials and a poem from some youth who attended Passion and Purity’s Summer Camp (themed “Redeemed, Renewed, RepositioneD!”) and be inspired in your own journey with God.  Let Him preserve you ­from your days of youth with fiery faith and a life full of purpose.


“A prophetic word came to me from a minister that I was having problems hearing the voice of God and so we prayed about it and from that point I started to hear God’s voice again” – J.R.

“When the pastor anointed my feet, they felt like they were on fire. It confirmed that prayer is powerful and that God calls us to evangelise to others so they too can be filled with the Holy Spirit” – N.M.

“It was the times of praise and prayer sessions we had each day as we fellowshipped with each other and the Holy Spirit. It was very powerful and encouraged me to live a life of prayer.” – J.C.

“In a session, I became more aware that God has given me more than a dancing talent, it is a gift He wants to use to speak to others. The whole camp exceeded my expectations and helped me draw closer to God.” – S.U.

“Camp was really an eye-opening, extraordinary experience. The campers, camp leaders, and the Holy Spirit made the atmosphere feel amazing and inviting.  There was never a dull moment!  The sessions were impactful, devotions were beautiful, activities well organized, the talent show/Jesus Party was engaging, and the food was cooked well.” F.R.


By Hugh-Ann Barrett

The Bible says that God sent Jesus, His only begotten son,

So that whoever believes in Him won’t perish but have eternal life

Yet I still put myself through turmoil and strife.

He loved me so much, He endured crucifixion, died on the cross, just to save me from sin

Yet I sought earthly love and continued to run away from Him

I still wanted to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh

Is this me saying God is not good enough?

How could I go on, knowing this would all end in death?

Lord, forgive me

Create in me a clean heart and purify me

Make me brand new in You


Romans 6:8 says, “Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.”

Because I believed He who died for me was raised from the dead

I too was born again, resurrected!

He has given me His life

Now I am eternally gifted!

I’m no longer a slave to sin

For I AM a Child of God

The grace of God goes beyond understanding

I began to remember all the things I was involved in

Smoking, drinking, fornication, stealing

And all I had to say was “YES” in submission to Him

I was deep in the grave

My path of life was surely one that was foolishly brave

I was risking not just natural but spiritual death

I knew I was going to hell

But all it took was one evangelist

To plant a seed in me, one that would stay

The day I decided to go to church with all my piercings and tattoos

No one turned me away

They accepted me with open arms

In that moment, I knew that this was the way

So, I got saved

I gave it all to Him

I died to sin

So that I could be resurrected in Him

I died to sin

So that He could transform me

And transform me, He did, as I witnessed all my bad habits fade away

No longer did I desire to go party at the clubs

No longer did I lust for the bag I knew I couldn’t afford

No longer did I want to call “him” over

I died to sin

Now Jesus holds the reigns of my life

No longer a slave to sin

I AM a Child of God!

Darien and Kimoy Callum, husband and wife, are both members of Passion and Purity, a school-based Christian ministry. As a couple, they seek to support each other as much as possible in whatever each decides to pursue; this way they get to practise teamwork in various areas of life…of late, writing has become one.
