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                                              Book Review

                                              Honour: The code of kings

I have read “Honour: the Code of Kings” not once, not twice, but over five times. Do you believe me? Words of wisdom are delightful to meditate on, and Gordon Swaby’s “Honour” is absolutely rich in them.

“Honour: The Code of Kings” is a 30-day devotional that shares invaluable principles on how to honour as God requires us—to honour God, others, seasons, and even in tough situations. Within it are thought-provoking and fascinating topics like “Honour the Principle of Seedtime and Harvest” , “Honour the Pursuit of Wisdom”, and “Honour the Foundation.” Not only does Swaby share principles on how to reap the rewards of honour and avoid the negative consequences of dishonour, but he also shares them in an engaging story format. Who doesn’t love a good story?


As a testament to this book’s importance, God has used Mr. Swaby’s lessons to guide me on how to respond wisely in practical, personal experiences. The most memorable of them happened in the well-known Half-Way-Tree Square. It was a tear-filled interaction for me; in discourse, I had received a dishonouring, hurtful response from a beautiful service provider. She was lovable and Christian but had yet to fully heal in soul.

Upset and hurt, I went to take my waiting seat, tempted to share just how unjustly I thought she had treated me and my psychoanalysis of her. Fortunately, as God would have it, I had carried Mr. Swaby’s book with me. As I sat, attempting to process my emotions, I skimmed through its pages to the chapter on “Honouring Those Who Dishonour You.”  And I was painfully reminded of the love to be expressed in the honour God requires of us.

The wisdom of honouring even those who dishonour you (found in Chapter 8) aided me in reeling in my emotions and responding to the situation in a way that would please God and avoid future negative consequences. What if I wanted to do business at the same place in the future? What would I say when God brought it to account? Mr. Swaby’s book is invaluable for navigating real-life situations wiselyand with prudence. We must learn the Biblical principles of honour. “Honour: the Code of Kings” is a mix of stories, examples, and instructions that the wise will find valuable.

As I am about to start my next read, I pause to encourage you to read the book. Buy it. Invest in learning and applying the principles of honour. The rewards of your investment will be evident for a lifetime.

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