“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14: 6).
To lead a congregation in worship can feel like a huge responsibility, especially when you are new to it. The concerns could range from choosing the right songs, to what singers and musicians should be engaged, to singing the more popular songs or working with a theme or neither. The bottom line is that it can be quite a stressful experience, if no help is sought from Holy Spirit, our helper.
It is important to note that John wrote from a personal experience he not only had with Jesus Christ, but with the Holy Spirit, after Jesus ascended into heaven! Through this experience, he could assure us that the Holy Spirit teaches us all things; I repeat, all things!
Yet to be Invited to Lead
When we choose to lead ourselves, then we choose to magnify the flesh which tells us to sing lively songs because the congregation looks bored; or tells us to do a quick scan of the congregation to see what the demographic is, in terms of age, and sing songs based on the majority present. Maybe the songs were chosen from the week before because a certain theme sounded good for the “special” service being planned the following week. Whatever the reason being expressed, the Holy Spirit is yet to be invited to lead.
Full and Complete Access
When the Holy Spirit leads, anxiety cannot be present because He brings with Him a peace that we cannot understand but in which we can operate. Every song is chosen by Him as long as we acknowledge we are just vessels for Him to use. There is a sweet fellowship experienced by the worship team and by extension the congregation, when we allow the Holy Spirit full and complete access. When He leads, He emphasizes the Word through songs, scriptures and through the spoken word. He amplifies and multiplies the Word, so that every situation present is dealt with, and every heart is touched. He does not need our help; He only requires our submission.
“For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say” (Luke 12: 12).