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Establish your thrones in righteousness

By Apostle Steve Lyston

Proverbs 16: 12 says, “It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness, for a throne is established by righteousness.”

 We are seeing all kinds of chaos happening in nations globally, while leaders are running to summits trying to find solutions – oftentimes without understanding what is going on.  They are trying to find the answers to crime, violence, climate change, war, economic downturns, and all that ails the nations today, but to no avail.

The Result of the Evil
However, they all need to acknowledge that what they are experiencing is the result of the evil that leaders are doing to establish their thrones. Thrones must only be established in righteousness.

Tenure Will Be Short
If leaders continue to refuse to establish their thrones in righteousness, then their tenure will be short.  The world is in such a leadership crisis that those to whom we are looking to succeed are even worse than the current leaders, so much so that we have to wonder – if things are like this now, what will become of the next generation?


There are three (3) main types of leaders – God-appointed, man-appointed, and self-appointed.  Furthermore, we must recognize that a leader is different from a manager.

The people within the nations must begin to identify God’s choice as opposed to man’s choice before they vote, because there are many issues that lie ahead.  Unless they choose wisely, they may experience even greater hardships.

One of the key roles of leadership is to do good, not evil. They must also provide opportunities for the people, security and good governance – which includes seeking God for solutions, providing good housing, and creating a better environment for the people.  
They are there to speak up for the voiceless, the poor, and have programmes for women and for families – the first line of government.  

The “Fixable” Dilemma
These days, after the leaders are voted in, they then turn against the people, trample on their rights and ignore their cries, going as far as passing laws to destroy their unborn and abort their purpose.  If children are our future and they abort the children, then are they not aborting their own futures and that of the nation?

Separation of Church and State

Regardless of the many speaking about the separation of Church and state, every leader should know/remember that God is the One to whom all leaders are accountable.  God established governments.  Romans 13: 1 reminds us, “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.”

God institutes all governments – political, religious, and family.  So, governments were instituted by God to lead the people; and when leaders do evil, they are accountable to God and will be judged or evaluated by God.  

Leaders must look out for the interest of others, not self. (Philippians 2: 4).  These days, some leaders are only looking out for their own interests.

Rebellion vs. God’s Will
When leaders rebel against God, the entire nation suffers for the action of the leader. 1 Samuel 15: 23 reminds us, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.”

It is surprising that many will speak out about the mass shooting especially of children, but be silent on abortion while professing to be a Christian.  So, whether you murder with the pen, the gun, the pill or the scalpel, a killing is a killing.

Sand or the Rock?
We have to recognize that our opinion does not change what God and His Word say. As a leader, are you building on sand or are you building on the Rock?  Everything that has been built will be tested.  Can the sand stand up to the wind?

This Will Determine the Length of Their Throne

Proverbs 29: 14 reminds us that the way in which a leader treats the poor will determine the length of his throne.  There are many nations where God is no longer their Lord; and if God is no longer their Lord, why are they reaching out for prayer in times of disaster, to a God they no longer embrace.  If a leader promotes a culture of death and evil, they are opening up the door to the same thing.  (Isaiah 1: 4; Hosea 4: 6)

Righteousness Exalts a Nation

If we want change to come, let us pray for leaders to be established who will not be afraid to establish their thrones in righteousness, as “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14: 34).

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