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Impact 2.0: Gathering of Champions… 3 power-packed nights

It will be three power-packed days from Monday, November 27 to Wednesday, November 29 at the Impact 2.0 Gathering of Champions, slated to be held at Kingdom Grace International Ministries, Shop 7, Phils Plaza, Greendale, Twickenham Park,  Spanish Town.

The annual event, which was born from Pastor David Lewis’s mission and vision to impact the communities in the area, as well as Jamaica, will entail powerful worship as well as word and impartation from guest speaker, Apostle Paul Adola from Nigeria, Africa, ministering nightly at 7 p.m.

Commenting on the event, Pastor Lewis expounded that the church is not only to be seen or heard, but its presence must be felt strongly in the nation of Jamaica and also in the region, and it is his hope that the conference will prepare believers to take dominion in the earth, starting within the communities.

“The conference will have powerful teaching and the release of the Word. Apostle Paul Odola is gifted with revelatory knowledge from the Spirit of God, and we are expecting a divine word of instruction to be released. We anticipate that the Word released in this conference will prepare individuals and position us to be activated in purpose,” he highlighted, adding that persons can also expect a rich presence of God as anointed worshippers who know how to invoke the Shekinah Glory of God will be there. Heaven will be opened over that spot of ground, and so everyone needs to be there to experience divine worship.

Stressing the need to attend the three nights of services, Pastor Lewis said there will be healing and deliverance, as they have previously seen the miraculous and supernatural power of God manifest in the conferences.

“Anyone who is sick and needs healing and deliverance should come believing that they will be set free! We have had several powerful testimonies of God’s healing and delivering power in our ministry. We have recorded major sickness healed; even a young man that was dead in Canada was brought back to life after we prayed and declared life in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ,” Pastor Lewis revealed, also noting that they have seen cancer healed and sickness dry up through God’s healing.

Through the church ministry, Pastor Lewis has been focusing on transforming communities by impacting families. They have also been engaging with the surrounding communities, offering assistance where they can.

“As a young ministry, we cannot help everyone with everything, but we can help some with something. With this in mind, we have church members, friends, and families who partner with us to make this vision a reality by sharing their resources so that those in need can benefit. We have seen many lives positively impacted and transformed through this local and global initiative,” Pastor Lewis informed.

This local and global initiative takes the form of Kingdom Grace’s C.A.R.E. programme, which stands for “Community and Regional Empowerment Programme”. The local programme involves feeding the needy and providing care for the less fortunate in the surrounding communities, while the global programme involves establishing a school in Kasur, Pakistan.

The Kingdom Grace Primary School in Pakistan provides free schooling for over 30 children who were displaced and had no access to learning. We were also able to sponsor a water purifier that provides cool and safe water for the children to drink because the area in Kasur has issues with clean water.

“The Lord has blessed us with partners and church members who give into these initiatives so that they become a reality. Nothing moves the heart like seeing a child eating a hot meal or sitting in a class learning; we give God all the glory because there is more work to be done, and we believe that he is sending us more men and women with the heart to serve,” he shared.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Gathering of Champions,” and according to Pastor Lewis, everyone, as sons and daughters of God, are champions in their own right. For him, some have championed over sickness, depression, poverty, and sin, and the conference is about them all coming together to build a Holy Ghost fire that will burn throughout the nation.

“There are persons who may not see themselves as champions; this is a perfect opportunity for them to come into an atmosphere of champions because the Word of God declares that iron sharpens iron! My desire is that everyone who comes into this prophetic atmosphere will be sharpened and empowered to go forward and have dominion in every aspect of their lives,” he concludes.

1 thought on “Impact 2.0: Gathering of Champions… 3 power-packed nights”

  1. Carren Lewis-Matthews

    God bless you Pastors David and Georgia Lewis, as well as the Kingdom Grace International Ministries members and partners, for being God’s hands and feet in the earth. Pastors, we appreciate your humble example as well as your love for and commitment to people in general. We thank God for your relevance and all He is, and will be doing through you. Continue to impact hearts, minds, spirits and lives by bringing practical but potent knowledge of God’s Kingdom and how we are called to function as its citizens. We anticipate a spiritually fulfilling conference where God will be exalted and the attendees’ lives will be completely changed. Gathering of Champions indeed!

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