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How dare them!

What a piece of effrontery and forwardness! To think that anyone would have the temerity and audacity to even suggest that Jamaican parents should give up the right to raise their children to the wiles of the enemy through deep-pocketed foreign governments and agencies. The thought is obnoxious and utterly ludicrous! It is a Satanic seed planted in the minds of the unrighteous, that is expected to germinate and grow into outright disrespect, disregard, and dishonour for God Himself.

This kind of impertinence, one would imagine, would only come from accomplished fools who believe that there is no God.

 While the Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society was waging war for 27 months to protect the nation’s children from the claws of the Satanic agenda hidden in the framework of the ACP-EU agreement, these barefaced minions sat quietly in their darkness, egging the government towards more unrighteousness.

 The Coalition, and a few others, bravely stood between the forces of darkness and the government and dared them to edge closer. This very courageous showing by the Coalition forced the government to step back from signing the highly controversial ACP-EU trade agreement without properly reading the document and defining the terms in accordance with the nation’s laws, culture, and mores.

 As God would have it, in the final moments before the deal was to be inked last week, the government halted.

The centrepiece of the Coalition’s contention revolved around specific clauses in the agreement that speak to the education of our children on reproductive health rights, sexuality, and gender equality.

In Article 48 of this agreement in particular, the Foreign Affairs Ministry was expected to bind the nation to the full and effective implementation of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action, which emphasises the need for ‘quality and affordable Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health information and education’ for our schools. Our children would be schooled on sex and gender based on the UNESCO international technical guidance on sexuality education as well as the need for sexual and reproductive health care services.

Regardless of where one may be spending his or her waking moments around the globe, it is clear as day that these terms are euphemisms for abortion, sex, and the LGBTQI agenda.

Equally, regardless of the size of the rock under which one resides, by now all should be familiar with the stubborn fact that the Jamaican people are firmly against the notion of gender fluidity; buggery must never be decriminalised, and the divine design of family must be retained.

 Nevertheless, as soon as the government halted its dash towards Samoa to sign this unrighteous ACP-EU agreement, a set of gender advocates and their allies smelled blood and emerged from the dark alleys. Quickly, they flung their support behind their friends abroad with their strange sacrilegious ideas, demanding free access to our schools, bypassing parents, communities, and even the church.

All of a sudden, the right of parents to raise their children and to see to their education in the best interests and welfare of their families was under real threat in Jamaica. But, in this season of mass confusion, ‘wokeness’, and in the midst of the war being waged by the enemy for souls, the term Parental Rights is emerging as something the people must demand, fight for, defend and fiercely enforce.

For a parent in Jamaica, one of the worst possible outcomes for a child, outside of death or debilitating sickness, is for that child to go the way of the reprobates – that is to become a criminal or join the wretched ranks of the LGBTQI community.

The efforts by international agencies and others to force this reprobate lifestyle on Jamaican children has been stepped up in recent months, aided and abetted by local organisations, many wearing the labels of ‘gender advocates’ and climate change specialists.

The nation watched ringside as gender advocate Carol Narcisse, a woman known to be bright and balanced, ferociously defended the ACP-EU agreement. She commended compromised governments, who are known to bow to deep pockets, on their diligence in crafting this controversial document.

Narcisse openly called for the sexual education of children ages 12–13 based on the ACP-EU proposal. She argued strongly that since Jamaican children are already sexually engaged, then they must be provided with sex education, under the auspices of the ACP-EU agreement, which is pushing for the inclusion, normalisation and the right to embrace homosexuality and abortion.

Narcisse is adamant that since Jamaican children are involved in sexual activity, the question at this point is: who should they go to for accurate and age-appropriate information? Since she is asking the question, one must assume that the obvious answer is not within her grasp. The answer is ‘their parents’, Mrs. Narcisse.

Gender advocates have not used their platforms in any meaningful way to address the rising cases of murders of our children, the high levels of violence in our schools that expose the serious shortcomings in our homes and points to a major deficit in righteous guidance. They will never call on the church or the school, which are other important units of socialisation, to actively engage parents in the rescue mission for our children. But, they appear to be keen on enforcing the unrighteous agenda that is woven within the weaponised words of the ACP-EU agreement.

While there are real issues with parenting and families in Jamaica, every effort must be made to strengthen the homefront and provide the necessary help for parents to do their job.

If one were to follow the line of argument being put forward by Mrs. Narcisse, since children ages 9–12 are also involved in criminality, they should be exposed to age-appropriate information, not necessarily to dissuade them from these acts, but definitely designed by international bodies who are equipped to hand down the know-how.

There is an urgent call for a Ministry for the Family to be established in Jamaica to strengthen the family as designed by God and to uphold the best parenting practices in order to secure the best future and proper prosperity of our country.

The Jamaican people, in homes and communities, are clear about their stance on gender and sexuality. The responsibility to educate our children on these matters cannot be placed in the hands and at the feet of strangers armed with their own agendas,  offering bribes of self-serving trade benefits and promises, while fiercely opposing who we are and what we hold dear.

We are witnesses to what is happening in other countries where parental rights are being ripped and wrestled away from parents and families.

In some of these countries, parents only discover that their children have opted for gender transformation when the sex change process is well underway.

In some schools, policies have been introduced to keep the gender identity of students secret from opposing parents. Those who support this wickedness argue that  policies that require schools to seek parental consent before using a student’s preferred gender identity, undermine LGBTQ rights and put children, who may not have supportive parents or be ready to reveal such information to their guardians, at risk.

Jamaican children must not be exposed to and encouraged to embrace gender confusion as a right and to believe that this dysphoria is normal.

The ACP-EU and their advocates need to step back, repent, and turn away from this wickedness. We will have none of it!

1 thought on “How dare them!”

  1. Shirley Thompson

    Perhaps Mrs Carol Narcisse has received her share of grants or whatever promises have been made by these people. I know Mrs Narcisse very well. She was an excellent principal when my son attended her school. She seemed like an advocate of all that is holy and righteous. But one never knows. People sometimes sell their souls, for immediate gratification.

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