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Letter to the Editor: Perilous Times

Dear Editor,

“Jamaica land we love”.  Many of us Jamaicans are patriotic to our country, not just because we were born here, but because we feel the protection of God’s hand over our country.  We have seen again and again, God sparing us from devastating hurricanes, that had been projected to hit us in the past.  Our National Anthem and our National Pledge are witnesses of the reverence and respect that we have for God.  We would never dare to think of outlawing God’s commandments.  They have been proven to be what is best for mankind.

I am so taken aback to see where the Government of Jamaica is trying to take our country, regardless of the negative impacts on the society.  There is a plan to change our National Anthem.   Our National Anthem confesses our faith in one true God, “The Eternal Father”. It is our prayer of faith in Him as the one who blesses us, protects us, enlightens us, gives true wisdom to our leaders, and who delights in the practice of justice and truth.  Our National Anthem reminds us of the need to respect other human beings; to cherish or care for the weak, and to be guided by God’s revelations in the Holy scriptures, which was originally revealed in visions to Moses and the prophets and to Jesus and His disciples.  Who is influencing the government of Jamaica to do away with our National Anthem?  Do they want the government of Jamaica and the people of Jamaica to do away with faith in God and in His revelations to us in the Holy Scriptures, so that they may influence the government of Jamaica to introduce laws that make lawful what God has declared to be unlawful?  

There is a plan to change our National Pledge.  Our National Pledge is a promise made to God to love Him and to be loyal to Him, and to love the whole human race by serving them with the wisdom and courage of one’s mind, and the strength and vigour of one’s body.  It is a promise to stand up for justice, brotherhood and peace.  It confesses that Jamaica is “under God”, that is, under God’s Authority and Rule.  Who is influencing the Government of Jamaica to do away with our National Pledge?  Do they want the government of Jamaica and the people of Jamaica to do away with love for God and loyalty towards Him, so that they may influence the government of Jamaica to introduce laws that make lawful what God has declared to be unlawful?

The signing of the Samoa Agreement may open the door to ungodly, immoral, sexual activities, by teaching children, as young as five-years-old, “Comprehensive Sexuality Education”, in our schools in Jamaica, which has in its curriculum, set by The UNESCO Technical Guidance On Sexuality Education, that children should be allowed to experiment with sex with the opposite sex and the same sex, to accept other people’s sexual orientations, to choose their own gender identity and to accept other people’s own gender identities.

We, as Jamaicans, will not allow any of this!  God is fighting our battles for us!  Arise, Christians, and stand up for righteousness!  Fight for your children’s sanity, and all well-thinking Jamaicans, fight for your children by protecting them from this immoral attack!  We love our children.  Let us protect them.  Parents and all citizens, be in the know;  don’t be taken by surprise!  Be vigilant!  We got a shaking up recently by an earthquake!  Was this a warning sign?  A government, which is only concerned about money, will ruin his country.  (See Proverbs 29:4, Good News Translation)  Let him who has ears, let him hear.  

To God, the Father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be glory, honour and praise.  Amen.

I am,

Huldah Hanneviah (Mrs.)

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