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5K run to support children on the autism spectrum

Jamaicans are being invited to participate in the Paediatric Association of Jamaica 5K Run, which is scheduled to take place on Sunday, June 23. President of the Association, Dr. Curtis Pryce said the aim is to raise funds to support children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

He made the remarks at the national child month church service held at the Saxthorpe Methodist Church recently. Child month is being observed under the theme ‘Stand Up! Speak Out! Protect the Rights of Our Children.’

Dr. Pryce also underscored the pressing need to address the challenges faced by children on the autism spectrum.

He commended the National Child Month Committee (NCMC) for its efforts in raising awareness, while emphasising the importance of translating words into action when it comes to safeguarding the rights of children.

“We join in a resolute call to unapologetically defend the rights of every child in Jamaica, particularly in light of prevalent issues such as violence, neglect, and abuse,” he stated.

Dr. Pryce disclosed that with the Paediatric Association of Jamaica marking its 50th year of existence, the focus has turned to the alarming prevalence of ASD, which has affected approximately one in 36 children internationally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with similar figures emerging within Jamaica.

He also highlighted the significant hurdles faced by parents due to limited access to diagnostic services, which has hindered their ability to seek appropriate assistance for their children.

In addition, he emphasized the urgent need for collective support to ensure that children with autism and other special needs, receive the necessary assistance and resources.

He stressed that the theme for child month serves as a crucial reminder that the commitment to advocating for children’s rights and welfare, must extend beyond designated observances.

“This call to action echoes my sentiment that children are integral to the fabric of society, and it is incumbent upon all stakeholders to stand up, speak out, and protect their rights, ensuring a brighter and more inclusive future,” Dr. Pryce said.

The 5K route, which is sponsored by the University of the West Indies (UWI), will take place at the UWI Ring Road, Mona Campus, starting at 6:30 a.m.

Online registration is required at, with registration closing on June 20.

For additional information persons may call or send a message to WhatsApp at 876-313-3275 or email [email protected]

Source: JIS

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