Korean cult church in Jamaica
I’m reporting from another day on the watchtower about my encounter at Sovereign Centre in Liguanea, Jamaica with some young adult members of the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG). Founded in Korea in 1964 by Ahnsahnghong, as at 2023, the church had registered “over 3.7 million members, in nearly 7,500 churches, throughout 175 countries.” They have established a church in Jamaica and are busily recruiting followers.
WMSCOG holds some very erroneous beliefs about the Word of God, and it is the duty of every Believer, whose paths they cross, to repudiate these lies and present Biblical truth to their members.
In addition to purporting the heresy that its leader, Ahnsahnghong is the second coming of Christ (WATV.org/history), amongst WMSCOG other false beliefs are the following:
- Eternal life is given through keeping the Passover – central to the salvation of humans. “We can receive God’s promise of eternal life by keeping the New Covenant Passover.” (WATV.org/history)
- There is God the Father and God the Mother. “If you want to be saved, you must recognize God the Mother.” Further, “God the Father and God the Mother, who created the heavens and the earth in the beginning, will appear as human beings and give people the water of life so that they may have eternal life and happiness.” (WATV.org/history)
- Humans were once angels. “We were angels in Heaven before we were born on this earth… we sinned in Heaven and were expelled to Earth…” (WATV.org/history)
Heresies and errors such as these drive home the importance of the children of God studying and rightly dividing the Word of Truth, so that we do not become entrapped by cults and “led away by diverse and strange teachings…”
Eternal life is given through keeping the Passover central to the salvation of humans.WRONG, FALSE GOSPEL, HERESY
TRUTH: The only way to gain eternal life is through accepting Jesus Christ as Lord an

d Saviour. This is purely faith-based. No works, including keeping the Passover, can grant humans eternal life.
“ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16 (NIV)
“ Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6 (ESV)
“ And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” – 1 John 5:11 (ESV)
“ I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.” – 1 John 5:13 (ESV)
“ Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” – John 3:36 (NIV)
2&3. God the Father and God the Mother and humans were once angels.
TRUTH: There is absolutely no scriptural basisfor ascribing feminine qualities to God, nor is there any mention anywhere in the Bible of a “God the Mother.” God is a Spirit, and in the Bible, He always uses masculine terms to refer to Himself and how He chooses to reveal Himself to humans. In addition, nowhere in scripture is there any mention of humans once being angels…
“ God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” – John 4:24 (KJV)
“ And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7 (KJV)
“ In speaking of the angels he says, “He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire.” – Hebrews 1:7 (NIV)
“ Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” – Hebrews 1:14 (NIV)
While this article zoomed in a little closer on some of the heretic and false doctrines of one cult organisation, this is but a drop in the bucket. Sad to say, but the promulgation of false doctrines and heresies are not limited to a particular church or denomination. The issue is far and widespread in Jmaiaca, ranging from subtle to blatant.
And get this…
Jamaica is very much part of the stomping ground where false doctrines and heresies are also vying for validity. Therefore, we who are carriers of the Truth should no longer be comfortable and content sitting on the sidelines while the enemy is busy making disciples of heresy.
We are called to stand on and for the truth while helping to guide the unsuspecting away from being entrapped in lies.
So, from the watchtower the echo goes forth, “They’re here, they’re here, they’re here…”
And the resounding response returns… “SO ARE WE! AND WE ARE VIGILANT AND READY TO DEFEND THE TRUTH!”
A Minister of Religion, Watchman Rodney is also a Youth and Children Ministry Overseer