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Kingdom Youth: I must suffer for Christ! Yeah man, no problem!

Young people, have you ever gone through a really bad experience and just wished that it would end? Well, I have! But I’ve learned that even my cloudy days and darkest nights are filled with purpose and, therefore, can be lit by the light of Christ if I let Him. Indeed, some of the greatest lessons are learned in tough times. As children of God, it is imperative that we understand our power in God to go through hard times and still please Him—no complaints, bitterness, or self-pity. We can even smile at the storms of life and truly say from the heart, “No problem, man!”  Why? Because we can give God the problem and rest in Him!

As the Bible records, Paul the apostle testified that he could take pleasure in infirmities, reproaches, persecutions, hardships, or distresses for Christ’s sake. This may seem alarming, but guess what? It is not exclusive to Paul. He is not a super-special Christian whom God has favoured with extra grace. We can have the same confidence and testimony because we have the same Spirit in us! What gives us access to the grace we need to patiently endure trials is humility. Yes, God gives more grace to the humble!


The truth is, in every unfavourable experience, we are to remember that our steps are ordered by God, and He expects us to rejoice, as this response glorifies Christ. Enduring suffering can be likened to lifting spiritual weights, which build the muscles of our faith. God’s intent is that sufferings produce perseverance in us and strengthen our desire to represent Christ in the midst of adversities, which He will also use to draw others into His kingdom.

Have you not read? The apostles rejoiced after they were beaten for preaching the gospel. They thought it a privilege to suffer for Christ’s sake and continued preaching despite the consequences. This is not make-believe. It is real, friends, but it’s not a sentiment that can be mustered up. It is a divine enablement of the Spirit of God that only comes by humbly submitting to God and the trials He allows in your life; only then will you be able to do as the scriptures say: count it all joy when you face all kinds of trials, or rejoice in the Lord always.

God assures us in His Word that the sufferings we experience in this world are absolutely incomparable to the glory that will be revealed in us. It is this hope that lets us say, “I can not only go through trials, but I can suffer joyfully!” 

God wants you to see suffering as the currency for glory (the manifested excellence of Christ). He says we must suffer with Him if we are to glory with Him. Note the word “with”; we are not going through on our own. Jesus Christ lives in every child of God, and if we allow Him to live through us, we will find that He is more than a buffer. We will witness that He is the One in us Who pilots us through trials.

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12


If we are not content with God-ordained trials, crave our own way, and only desire a pleasant, luxurious life, then we are missing the whole essence of what life in Christ really is and risk our faith being shipwrecked. As Christians, we need to have the right expectations so that we do not become offended at God and live as one who is cursed. When John the Baptist questioned Jesus because his life was being threatened for doing what was right, Jesus assured him that he was in the will of God and declared a blessing on those who are not offended by suffering for His sake.

Look at it this way: If Jesus, the Apostles, and other Believers in the Bible faced suffering, so will we! Jesus himself warned His disciples that the world would hate them as they did Him and prophesied to churches that they would experience suffering and persecution, but encouraged them to endure to the end.

As a youth, you might not literally face death, but suffering for Christ’s sake might mean being rejected, misunderstood, and even judged by many (including friends and family) for living in obedience to God. He might even allow you to suffer natural losses so you can demonstrate His peace that passes understanding, revealing the reality that your hope is not in this world, which will be a powerful testimony that frees someone who may be a slave to the things of this world.

Young people, let us quit running from trials, for they build in us Godly character, true peace, joy and contentment, and guarantee us eternal rewards. When you are faced with any offence or hardship, let God give you His perspective and empower you to be fruitful still. Remove the focus from yourself and focus on Him. Know that He desires you to obey Him by embracing and enduring it. See trials as a necessity to your fellowship with God rather than a nuisance that you anxiously wish to get rid of and be free.

“But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled”- 1 Peter 3:14 (KJV)

Romario Mitchell is a member of Passion and Purity, a school-based Christian ministry.

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