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“As I think, I am”

New thought Christianity

I recently came across something totally new to me: New Thought Christianity. It was in a video blog,”Oprah is NOT a New Ager: A Deep Dive,” posted by Melissa Dougherty (MD). It really caught my interest.

This unexpected finding made me wonder how many millions of people unwittingly follow this religion, especially when the prominent and famous Miss Winfrey has aided it.

Also, I’ve known people who practiced these beliefs, but I thought they were just on a different part of the Christian journey, not that they were on a totally different path.


According to, “The New Thought movement was among the more notable movements that emerged in the 19th century to help people better understand divine mysteries through the power of their thoughts. The term “New Thought” signified that one’s thoughts could unlock secrets to living a better life, free from the constraints of religious doctrines or dogmas.”

In MD’s video blog, she illustrated her point by using clips to show that Oprah does not adhere to New Age philosophy (as I thought) but to the principles of New Thought. She describes New Thought as “…the metaphysical positive thinking movement in America with Jesus as its mascot… New Thought, like ‘Progressive’ Christianity, aims not to demolish Christianity but [like] to think they are improving it.”


  • Positive thinking techniques
  • Law of attraction
  • Christ consciousness, which asserts that everyone is a god and that we can access divinity within
  • Mental healing and spiritual self-improvement
  • Health and Wealth
  • Manifestation
  • Affirmations and declarations

Many who practice these beliefs, like Oprah, refer to themselves as “Christians.” Others may identify as “spiritual, but not religious.” They read and quote the Bible, but don’t take it literally. They believe Jesus was a human like us, with an awakened Christ consciousness, and since we’re like Jesus, we can also awaken the Christ within us.


The most convincing lie has an element of truth.Using the label “Christian” and teaching from the Bible are practices that are common to all followers of Christ, so it’s difficult for a casual observer to differentiate the wolf from the sheep.

When staunch atheist Richard Dawkins identified himself as a “cultural Christian,” hastening to add that he does not believe “a word” of the Christian faith, you can see how easily one can be deceived as to what it means to be a Christian.

Melissa Dougherty speaking on “New Thought Beliefs and Principles” (


The big deal is that these beliefs are anti-Christian. Christ Jesus is God; the Holy Spirit comes to reside in us when we believe. We do not control the Holy Spirit. The entire Christian walk is a matter of surrendering ourselves and freely allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us.

Manipulating circumstances to get our way and attaching Jesus’ name to it is equivalent to trying to use God as a genie or a prop to be our own god. That’s not a surrendered life; notably, this life is not under the control of the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit is the mark, seal, and deposit, “guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession.Ephesians 1:13-14.

The possession of the Holy Spirit, not wealth and riches, is the indicator that we are on God’s side.


According to M.D.,Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, and Norman Vincent Peale are well-known practitioners, and in modern times, we have the likes of Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, and members of Unity churches. These practitioners and New Thought believers don’t know they are missing the mark because their minds have been blinded.

The self-help books “Think and Grow Rich” by Hill and “How to Make Friends and Influence People” by Carnegie are iconic best-sellers. Rhonda Byrne’s “Secret” and its offshoots are also well-cited, even in the church!

The deceptive nature of these books is that they work! Yes, they work! Just like the obeah man, voodoo doctor, magicians, and enchanters. Satan is the god of this world, and powerful evil spirits move among us. Recall that the magicians in Egypt were able to perform some of the same miracles as Moses.

Once, I attended a church that allowed us to meet in the sanctuary for yoga exercises. Initially, I felt uneasy but went along with it. Now that Christ has revealed the Truth, I am appalled even to think this happened. We must think differently and behave godly, for the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17


Self-help is a thriving industry, with people willing to invest significant sums to realise their dream on their terms. Motivational speakers, coaches, and guides promise life hacks, secrets, and solutions to meet goals. However, the effectiveness of the help you receive depends on the source and truthfulness of the information you’re given.


When we believe the greatest good is acquiring wealth (money), pleasure, and power, and eliminating every irritant, then we are prepared to do whatever it takes to obtain these things.

Only the Holy Spirit can break the stronghold and seducing spirits associated with this mindset. Can you imagine Oprah and others like her giving up pursuit of fame and fortune to truly follow Christ?

If they believe acquiring great knowledge, health, and wealth are marks of the right path to follow, then I understand why they would think they had already found that path. From this, I understand why they would conclude that any path that gets them to that state is viable. After all, in every religion, you will find individuals who will attest that their god helped them achieve their goals.

The devil sometimes takes damaged and overly ambitious people and props them up. He knows they are terrified of reliving their past and will do whatever it takes to hang on to current success. Only Christ and His Christ-filled followers know the peace and contentment that come from giving up the trinkets in this life that are camouflaged as treasures.

The reluctant might similarly object like the Judeans did to Jeremiah:

“We will not listen to your messages from the Lord! We will do whatever we want. We will burn incense and pour out liquid offerings to the Queen of Heaven [Egyptian false god] just as much as we like—just as we, and our ancestors, and our kings and officials have always done in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. For in those days, we had plenty to eat, and we were well off and had no troubles! But ever since we quit burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and stopped worshiping her with liquid offerings, we have been in great trouble and have been dying from war and famine.” Jeremiah 44:16-18 (NLT)

But, mark Jeremiah’s response in vs. 27-28 as he delivered this message to the Judeans from the LORD: For I will watch over you to bring you disaster and not good. Everyone from Judah who is now living in Egypt will suffer war and famine until all of you are dead. Only a small number will escape death and return to Judah from Egypt. Then all those who came to Egypt will find out whose words are true—mine or theirs!”


The Good News is forever good. Christ is above everything, ultimately in control, and is God of the impossible. Matthew 19:26

With free will, we can agree with God or reject Him. We can evaluate our souls against the goals of this world and decide whether it is better to gain the world and lose our souls, or let go of the world and gain eternal life.

We can’t serve both God and the world. That is what New Thought beliefs attempt to do. “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?” Mark 8:36


Speak to Jesus Christ with sincerity. Ask Him to reveal the truth to you; to show you and help you follow Truth. You want to know the right Way, not the convenient or popular way, but the Way to eternal life. Ask Jesus to help you clear up any wrong thinking, misconceptions, or ungodly ways and make you a new person living right with peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.) (Romans 14:17)

And “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matt. 7:15

Jennifer Layton Starns is a software consultants coach and author of the book, “The Two Kingdoms.”

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