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Prophecies: Meat Shortage coming

Even though the world will be in turmoil at different points, the born again believer in Christ must not lose heart and must not lose hope. These are moments to see the miracle of God at work to strengthen the hearts of believers, and to deliver His people.

October is the month of high occultism. The climax is on the 31st during what is traditionally called Halloween, which is satanic. It’s the celebration of the so-called birthday of satan.

If there is ever a time Christians need to be on high alert, it is certainly within this month, because of the many occultic activities taking place right. Many altars will be visited and serviced. When that happens, you will find certain demonic activities increasing. You will see persons in different neighbourhoods, putting up different signs, like skulls and other satanic symbols. These activities, pronouncements, rituals, sacrifices, orgies and others, will be used to cast hexes, spells and curses. Schools are targeted and so too are churches and business places. These practices will cause defilement and breaches. The defilement and breaches will give the enemy legal rights to attack you and those who are associated with you and cause different kinds of chaos. Bad things will happen. There will be sudden illnesses, sudden deaths, bloodshed and domestic violence. Out of nowhere, a child is killed in a motor vehicle accident or there is suicide. Once satan gets access, it is very dangerous. Those with children in school must alert them, as to what is up ahead when there are certain activities that are promoted by their schools, colleges and universities that do not stand for righteousness. They should be discouraged from participating in these satanic activities.

There will be a shortage of meat such as beef, pork, poultry and fish. This is all part and parcel of the diabolic agenda of those who are connected to the beast to cause meat to be unavailable to the masses because protein is one of the most fundamental of the nutrients required to keep the body healthy. As we get towards the end of the Gregorian calendar year, you will find that the availability of protein will be a problem and the prices will escalate. This will pave the way for alternatives to meat. These alternatives are GMOs. These substitutes will be introduced to control protein intake, but the problem is that there is nothing that man, without divine inspiration and blessing can produce that is better than that which God has created in the original scheme of things. The fulsome side effects of these GMO products are not known. They are part of the reason, we are having many of the health challenges, we are having today. We must go back to our backyard farming. Eat what you grow, grow what you eat.

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