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It cannot be business as usual for the Body of Christ. Our work is cut out for us. We have to start to think strategically as to how we penetrate the homes and family settings in a greater way. The people of God must develop a greater awareness of the circumstances and the crisis facing our young people. Many of them are crying out for help, because some realise what is happening and there are others who are totally blind. 

The internet is very significant to how the minds of children are held in the clouds. Everything is stored in the clouds. So it is not just our documents and other things that we are creating, the Lord showed that the minds of this generation are in the clouds.

This generation is in trouble and the church needs to recognise that we have a mandate to advance the Kingdom of God in the earth, knowing that we are empowered by the one true and living God. Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world. Every church leader and everyone who bears the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth should become busy in bringing this generation out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of Light.


Restrictions are being placed on righteous activities, but at the same time, the authorities are giving free reign to other activities that are unrighteous, such as the placement of peace benches. What is a peace bench? Don’t you see that that is new age?  It is allowing for other spirits to take over. What is transcendental meditation? Wha

t is yoga? Don’t you realise that it is opening up the children and the staff to other spirits, which are not of God, and they will promote bad things, they will promote evil, death, decay, darkness? Don’t you realise that it is Satan that is working through these administrators and government officials? With this recent phenomenon of these pen guns, there are other inventions that will also come to the fore. How are we going to protect our children? How are we going to protect the teachers who will also be exposed? It is by getting back to the place where God becomes centre of the education system. God needs to be the centre of our schools and a part of the activities in the schools. Children should be taught  the Word of God during the time that is allotted to worship the true and living God. Children will not know the Word of God if they are not taught the Word of God. The best place to teach them the Word of God is in the home and then this should be reinforced in the schools, universities and colleges, and also further reinforced in our churches. 

We are on the path of seeing mass shootings in our schools, if we do not take corrective measures now. We have a political administration, and the previous one also demonstrated this kind of posture as well, where we are reactive. We wait until a problem manifests, then we try to correct the problem, and very often when we try to correct the problem, it creates more problems. This is because the method that we seek to use is not consistent with the precepts and statutes of God. That is why we must have a Ministry of the Family, headed by a righteous man and woman of God, a husband and wife, supported by technical persons who will assist them. There must be policies pursued vigorously and openly by the government to encourage family construct, according to the divine design. 

There are people on the frontline who might be a little weary. We need to pray for them and hold them up, so that they can continue to stand. The enemy thinks he can win, although he knows that he is already defeated. 

The remnant among the people represents the salt and the light. The remnant among the people, represents that compass under God, that will help the masses to continue to ensure that the laws of God are maintained. Our duty is to continue to speak the truth, to continue to sound the alarm, to continue to magnify God, magnify His values, magnify His Word. As we continue to do that, the spirit of the Lord, the manifest presence of the Lord will continue to work and manifest in all seven pillars of this country. 


God has pulled out a remnant and activated a remnant, and we will ensure, under God, that Jamaica may never reach the point, at any stage, where this country could be called realistically and truthfully a secular nation. We know that there are those who want that to happen. So when you see them going around, for example, putting up certain murals, including the controversia

l one to talk about that particular beverage is the spirit of Jamaica. No! We reject and renounce that, and we have been saying that for some time now. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jamaica, not some beverage. The Church of Jamaica has been silent and has allowed bars and all sorts of stuff to be cropping up all over and sharing space with them. It is not being suggested that the Church should become aggressive in a fleshly way and take up carnal weapons. Once the Church becomes assertive again, with prayer, mission, evangelism, and worship in the community, and each born-again Believer lives the Christ-like life, in effect, we will become moving vehicles of righteousness, and so evil will be confronted just by the lifestyle.

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