Although I loved the Lord with all my heart and was happy to acknowledge Him as my Lord and Saviour, I was far from ‘hearing him’ or understanding when He was speaking to me. I would hear others testifying how God told them to do this or that or prevented them from heading into disaster, and I would wonder how they knew.
Did they hear a ‘loud’ voice, and how could they tell it was the Lord? I grew up in church and eventually gave my life to the Lord, however, having the freedom after being an adult and no longer under my parents thumbs, I eventually strayed.
But the foundation was already laid, and so I eventually made my way back to the fold. As my relationship grew, so did my desire to hear from the Lord, but… nothing.
I used to work on Molynes Road, and travelling from Three Miles, I would exit the taxi at Woodglen Avenue, where I would walk on a particular side of the road that I didn’t have to cross when I reached the end. I would just turn, and my workplace would be on that hand.
My movement was predictable; every morning I would follow the same route until a particular day, I recalled having this strange urge to change my routine and walk on the other side of the road.
It wasn’t a voice I heard; it was more a strong urge to obey. I didn’t think much about it; I just crossed over when I reached the end of the road to the other side.
The side of the road that I had left, was adjacent to a broken-down wall. I heard the squeal of tires and watched as a car driver lost control and slammed into the wall! Realisation struck that had I been walking on that side of the road, the car would have slammed into me and flung me into the wall. There was no way I could have survived that!
Tears started streaming down my face as I thought about the near escape for me. I, who thought I could not hear from God, suddenly became convinced that He spoke in so many ways. In a still, small voice, in strong urges, He has so many ways to get His words across; we only have to pay attention.
That incident opened my eyes and made me alert to when He is trying to talk to me. I will share two more stories on how God delivered, and all we have to do is pay close attention. I was at an event working, and everything was going great. The artiste was on stage performing, and the crowd was boisterous as they cheered him on. I was at the front, and suddenly I started to feel uncomfortable. I could not describe the feeling; I just knew I had this sudden desire to leave that area and head to the gate of the venue.
The minute I was through the gate, I heard the sounds of bottles breaking and saw people running in a mad rush; some persons even got hurt in the melee. But I was nowhere near all that stampede. I was safely through the gate.
I just thanked God that He took me away from that scene.
The other incident happened when I was at another event, this time overseas, and as with the first event, everything was going great. However, the unease returned, and I could not feel comfortable. I was standing with my friend, and I told her to let us go backstage and relax a while.
When we were comfortably seated, we heard the sounds of shots being fired, and again it was a stampede with persons running for cover.
The promoter quickly sent us in the limousine, and we were whisked away back to our hotel—safe and sound!
My friend must have thanked me a hundred times for the night, as she said she was happy I got her away from danger. Of course I could not take the credit; I told her God was in control and He came to the rescue.
Many of you are probably waiting to have some dramatic experience with God, but I am here to tell you to keep reading the Word, getting close to God, and make sure you are attentive so you won’t miss when He is trying to get your attention.