A Believer’s TestimonyGod Knows “The Text” Of Your Life

“God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.” 2 Samuel 22:25 TM

You can be successful yet still feel empty inside. Solomon’s life proved that. He was the world’s wealthiest man, as well as one of the most famous. Yet, amazingly, he begins the book of Ecclesiastes with these words, “Everything is meaningless.” (Ecc1:2 NLT). 

Solomon discovered that a fulfilling life can only be built on two things: relationships and purpose. The first and foremost relationship you must establish is with God. Once you do that, you discover your life’s purpose. 

We will take a short walk with Sister Faith Hall as to how she discovered her life’s purpose and is walking in it.


I was working at a prominent and prestigious financial company, owned my own car, receiving good salary and living a very good life in my eyes, yet there was an emptiness which made me extremely unhappy. I was also in a long distance relationship with someone overseas and I would visit him quite frequently. You can have everything life has to offer but without Christ you are merely existing and empty. 

My boyfriend extended an invitation for me to come to the USA and see if I could find something to do and chill out. I eventually accepted his invitation figuring this would ease the emptiness. I resigned my job and relocated to the USA. While being there, I still felt extremely unhappy. Little did I know that this was the Lord working to bring about change in my heart.

I was raised by my grandmother who would literally drag me and my cousin with her whenever she was going to church service, so I believe a seed was planted from that age. I recall one day in 2016, I was at home listening to a song by Kirk Franklin.  The title was “I want to be happy” and I was far from being happy. 


I cried so much, but after that I had an encounter with the Lord – I literally heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Go back home and sit at My feet and I will teach you.” 

My response was, “Go back home? To what? Nothing is in Jamaica.” The voice rebuked me.

I said, “Lord, if it is you, please confirm it again,” and He did.

While I was still living in sin, I would hear the Lord speaking to me and I would try to obey. I called my mother in Jamaica and told her what I had heard the Lord saying to me.  She responded by saying, “You can come and stay with me in Trelawny.”  So, I returned to Jamaica and went to Linstead where I had left my car and furniture and then drove to Trelawny. 

This song says it all for me – 

If the ship of your life, is tossing on the sea of strife; you need someone. 

And if you feel so all alone,
And your house is not a home; you need someone. 

If it seems life isn’t fair,
And there’s no one left to share; All those lonely days and nights,
And things just won’t turn out right; And you need someone to care,
And someone to just be there;
You need someone.

I give you Jesus,
He’s the peace that passes all understanding;
I give you Jesus, He’s the perfect love that casteth out all fear;
I give you Jesus, He’s the water that you drink and never thirst again;
I give you Jesus, my friend, I give you Jesus,


In 2017, I finally gave my heart to Christ and was baptized. I returned to the USA but eventually came back on the instruction of the Lord. I found a church home and the Lord started teaching me. First lesson was strategies to fight warfare.

I am no longer living in Trelawny but in Kingston where I am surrounded by many evils but I look back and thank God for empowering me with fighting skills and tools, such as using the Word of God, fasting and prayer, worship, etcetera.

Before leaving Trelawny, the Lord spoke to me to give away everything I owned along with the car. I said, “Lord you are leaving me with nothing.” In obedience to Him, I did just that. He stripped me of everything. Since 2016 I have not worked in the secular world and as my name states, by faith is how I live each day. 

The place where I am living now was ‘gifted’ to me by a lady asking if I wanted a furnished house to live in. This is truly God’s provision. I know what it is to live in plenty and now I live my life each day by trusting and taking God at His Word.


When you serve the Lord, you have a price to pay and Sis Faith continues by learning to be content in whatever state she finds herself. Sister Faith loves the Lord more than life itself and her walk with Him has taught her how to love unconditionally. 

Being an intercessor, you must love God first and others. You also sacrifice your comfort for another always in obedience to doing God’s will. This is a recipe for success.


Encouragement to the body of Christ – in spite of what you may go through or are going through, GOD YHVH is greater than your circumstances and once you give the situation to Him, He will work in His own time and fix it for you. 

With all the major adversities Faith has gone through and is going through, she stands today a VICTOR and not a victim, ABOVE and not beneath, MORE THAN A CONQUEROR, and truly an OVERCOMER.

Today let’s celebrate and pray for this woman of God, Sister Faith Hall, as she continues on her journey with the Lord. 

Nadine Harris: