Advice To Aspiring Musicians And Singers

Rondell Positive and wife Lotoya

Rondell Positive : “Daddy Always Said Two ‘Ss’ Don’t Mix”

By Pastors Andrew and Donnette Norman

Over the years, Passion and Purity has been favoured to have ministers who not only bless with their talent at Passion and Purity conferences (mainly school-based), but they also share valuable insights from their lives and practical advice to youngsters who feel they are called to pursue their musical gifts and talents. 

Rondell Allen aka Rondell Positive, offers this advice to youths in general: 

“My advice to you straight up is: life is not life without Christ. Real men are leaders, not followers. Be who you were made to be…”the image of God.” My dad always told me – two ‘Ss’ don’t mix: Sex and School. He taught me that while sex before marriage is sinful, he explained that it becomes a major distraction in school. He also taught me that one of the values of being a real man is not pressuring a girl for sex. 

I have been happily married years now and that respect for girls and women that I have learnt has taken me very far in life. My advice to young people who desire to pursue a career in Gospel Music is remember, Gospel ministry is not just about being an artiste. You should love God more than the music and He will exalt you because it is being done for His glory. 

In your choice of music remember that what you listen you become. Therefore, listen to positive music; uplifting, life changing, and Holy Ghost filled music.” 

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