Africa Is Resisting Neo-Colonialism

President Yoweri Musevini

By L.A. Nicholson

Back in May, the so-called ‘civilised’ nations of the world woke to the news of Uganda passing one of the toughest anti-LGBTQ bills, globally, and they were not happy about it. 

Reuters reported that President Joe Biden called the move “a tragic violation” of human rights and “Washington would evaluate the implications of the law on all aspects of U.S. engagement with Uganda.”  

Hearing the news of the steps President Yoweri Musevini had taken, George Kaluma, a Kenyan member of parliament, who had submitted an anti-LGBTQ bill in April, tweeted, “What a leader we’ve in Africa! Kenya is following you in this endeavour to save humanity.” 

So, is Africa indeed on a path to save humanity? The Washington Post doesn’t think so. They report that, “Of the 64 or so countries that still criminalize same-sex relationships, at least half are in Africa. While generally the world is moving toward more acceptance on LGBT rights, Africa forms a near-unanimous block of intolerance.” (


Apart from the fact that only heterosexual relations can facilitate pro-creation, let’s look at another remarkable way Africa is indeed saving humanity. The World Economic Forum, quoting Pew Research, has stated that since 2019, “there are already more Christians in Africa than any other continent and that’s not going to change soon…by 2060 six of the countries with the top ten largest Christian populations will be in Africa, up from three in 2015.” 

And over 84 percent of Uganda’s population is classified as Christian, including President Musevini and his family.  His daughter, Patience Rwabwogo, is a pastor and it is not unusual for the President and his wife to participate in all-night prayer vigils hosted by a local church, or to speak publicly about their relationship with God. 

Will God honour Africa if Africa continues to defend Godly principles?  Matt 6:33 says  “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” 

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? (Num. 23:19)


The stance taken by Africa is to be applauded and President Musevini has certainly led his country with unequivocal and admirable forthrightness. 

When CNN Journalist Zane Vergee asked him how he felt about (a) the International Community saying that he had made a backward step for his country and was not protecting the “freedoms, rights and choices of the Ugandan people,” and (b) President Obama’s specific remark that he was “deeply disappointed by Uganda’s move which would now complicate U.S Uganda relations,” this was what the unwavering Musevini said: 

“We’ve been disappointed for a long time by the conduct of the West, the way you conduct yourselves there, but we just keep quiet.  We just see how you do things…the families…how they’re organized. In all these things, we see them, we keep quiet.  We never comment because it’s not our country. Maybe you like it…

So, since, there is now an attempt at social imperialism, to impose social values of one group, on our society, then our disappointment is now exacerbated, because we are sorry to see that you live the way you live, but we keep quiet about it. 

Now you say we must also live like you. That’s where we say, “No!” We say, “No!”

Am I worried?  Not at all.  Worried about what? Because to tango needs two people to dance.

If the West doesn’t want to work with us because of homosexuals, then we have enough space here to live by ourselves and do business with other people!”(watch?v=xgBKgmv1zh8&t=451s/Zack Mwekassa)

Africa is not bowing under pressure from the West.  They are too busy evangelising the continent and challenging their former colonisers (who introduced Christianity to them) to get back on track with God before it is too late.

Nadine Harris: