All About Love

Mr and Mrs Adrian Frater

Glendevon New Testament Church Celebrates Christian Couples  

Several married couples at the Glendevon New Testament Church of God celebrated their love and commitment to each other during the church’s Sunday morning worship service. This culminated with the renewing of vows, which was led by the pastor of the church, James Lewis.

After declaring Lewis as ‘the milk in her coffee and porridges’ and pledging undying love, Mrs. Jaqueline Lewis went on to deliver a strong sermon on the theme “For Better, For Worse: Commitment.”

Married for 38 years, Mrs. Lewis shared some valuable lessons using the backdrop of Elkanah and Hannah, who was childless and had to endure the taunts from her nemesis, Peninnah.

She shared that her husband never turned his back but showed her even more love by standing by her through all their ups and downs.

“Commitment, what is it? A promise or a pledge to dedicate oneself to a particular action or goal—means this is it, nobody else; you give of your all,” she highlighted.

Pastor James Lewis and wife Jacqueline

A commitment, such as that noted by Jaqueline, will ensure the marriage is “emotionally secure,” knowing that both partners are dedicated to each other through thick and thin. This single highlight creates a safe feeling and a stable environment where trust can develop.

“It is saying that no matter what, if there is one person I can depend on, it is my husband or wife. It gives you that emotional security. It’s about feeling confident, about being open to your spouse, and sharing the inner thoughts that you have—things that you will not share with anybody else on earth,” she shared.

Stressing the importance of security in a marriage, Jacqueline said it gives long-term stability and keeps the relationship steady in challenging times. This provides assurance that both partners are in it for the long haul, willing to work through the difficulties and grow together.

Early in the service, couples made their entrance into the well-decorated church at the announcement of their names, walking hand in hand down the aisle to the sweet melodies of Luther Vandross’ So Amazing.

Whatever the activity for the day, it was done as a unit; be it Bible reading or announcing the theme, it involved pledging love to their partner and having them stand by their side as they carried out the task at hand.

It was a special moment for Carl Anthony Cox as his wife Annette declared her love, promising to be by his side no matter what as they celebrated two years of marriage. To seal her pledge, she broke out in a musical tribute borrowed from Kenny Rogers’ The Vows Go Unbroken.
