Ambrozine Mills – longevity powered by serving the Lord

 Ambrozine Mills of Rock River, Clarendon has joined the impressive list of centenarians and the mother of three, two of whom predeceased her, did not hesitate in sharing the secret of her longevity.

“You want to know what the secret is? Serve the Lord and show respect and manners to people—that is my secret,” she told Freedom Come Rain.

Four days before her birthday on Wednesday, May 22, friends engaged in an early celebration at the Bethlehem Baptist Church.

Sitting like a queen, she enjoyed the accolades, love, and gifts that were presented to her during a special segment of the service.

Toshane Young presented Mills with a gift basket

In responding, Mills said she felt happy to be achieving the milestone, even as she thanked them for hosting the service in her honour.

Overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, she thanked all who made the day possible. Sharing in the proud moment was a beneficiary of Mills’ tender administration and care over the years, Roseta Taylor, whom Mills referred to as “my mother!”

It is a sentiment that Taylor understands very well, as she has shouldered the responsibility of ensuring she is okay, making it her duty to collect her pension and get it to her, ensuring she keeps up her clinic dates, and fussing over her like a mother hen.

Ambrozine flanked by friends and well wishers at the Bethlehem Baptist Church

“Mi memba when mi smaller, every Friday, mi grandmother come fi cow belly a Rock River, this man name DP used to kill cow, and when we come wid grandma round a Sis (pet name for Mills), we a get wi dinner and memba mi tell you sey, she spread har towel pon har verandah and we eat till wi belly full, mi and mi grandmother,” Taylor related to the gathering at the church as she presented Mills with a basket.

According to her, there is nothing she would not do for Mills, as in her young days, Mills looked out for children in the community, and you could always count on receiving goodies when you visited her home.

Born in Pond Hill, St. Catherine, she eventually made her home in Rock River. With her grandson Londell Thomas seated by her side, she did not hide the level of love they both shared as she looked across at him before commenting, “As you si how him sits here and there, I teach him everything I can, and he will just go through with it.” She shared bragging about how her cooking lessons paid off big time. 

She also shared the pride and love she felt for her grandson as she stated, “He is very good to me; you know good sah,” she highlighted in a firm voice that belied her age.

Among his good deeds, as she related, was him taking over the cooking duties and giving her firm instructions.

“I used to do a lot of cooking, and him take over and say, ‘You go sit down, my time fi dweet it now’ she shared, being rewarded with a smile from her grandson as well as a kiss planted on her wrinkled cheek.

Ambrozine Mills and grandson Londell Thomas

“A nuff lesson she taught me apart from learning to cook,” he informed, stating that there is nothing he wouldn’t do for his grandmother.

It is not surprising that Mills would have passed on her cooking skills, as during her younger days she made her living by cooking at ‘dead yard’ and other culinary assignments. She also did whatever odd jobs she could to keep food on the table.

Taylor, in sharing about the centenarian, said she is amazed at Mills, as she still loves to cook, wash, clean, and sweep. “She moves around the yard the same way,” Taylor informed.

Toshane Young, who works at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and is charged with the affairs of seniors through the National Council for Senior Citizens, came with a special gift for Mills as well as a message from Minister Pearnel Charles Jr.

Young said the list of centenarians in the parish keeps growing, and it was hard to put a figure as they are still tallying since people keep calling in to give information.

On June 6, the seniors will be having a grand sports day with every race imaginable at the Longville Park Community Centre.

“Every year the council hosts a sports day, and we are asking persons to come out and support the seniors,” she highlighted.

She is also encouraging seniors in the parish to visit the office and register with the council.
