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“Armour bearing to the point of expiration”

My Father and my God, when I think of the term “armour-bearing,” I automatically think of taking care of and/or preparing for battle; the weapons are being prepared by the armour-bear (servant) for the individual who is going to battle.

I have been given new and needed insights as to what a spiritual armour-bearer is related to; it is actually like putting on a physical armour and engaging in a physical battle. It is putting the armour on, which prepares me mentally to do spiritual battle with the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Open my eyes, LORD! Have I indeed been introduced to yet another principle by which I can gain a clearer understanding of You, so that I can love You more?

My ponderings about being an armour-bearer suggest that “I must be totally consumed with the preparations and success of another, to the point of expiration.” What a piece of something to consider! I am just coming to grips with the totality and/or finality of the archetype of expiration.

I cannot think of any greater paradigm shift that expresses love more than to take my last breath, knowing that I have run the race well without the “I” taking the credit and all the “buts” are drowned in expiration, which is the termination of my will.

“But,” yet not my will any longer, Father “but” the will that aligns with Your Spirit. And in response, I hear my Father’s gentle voice saying, “My son, you have indeed come to the point of beginning to understand love. The agape love that my Son Jesus has for Me is the essence of the love He has for all His heirs. You indeed have the DNA, as do all My children, to love beyond yourself. My son, the armour bearing is the essence of I Am. It brings out and purges your very soul, and its true value lies in the unique termination of self to view your fellow man as I see him.

“My son, just as I see you as a precious work in progress, you are to accept others as even more precious, more than yourself; else the carnal nature of self that acts as a cancer will attack your spiritual DNA, just as any viral infection will destroy the flesh. The problem with the spiritual viral infection is that although it will ultimately destroy your flesh, more importantly, it will hinder Our relationship with you. It will contaminate you and impede you and Your Father from functioning Spirit to spirit.

“My son, put on the full armour as an armour-bearer, knowing that it will protect you fully in all your endeavours. It is the ultimate defence for the ultimate offence: to outwardly expose your true self. The self that knows I will meet every need in order that you may rid yourself of self. Your true self then will be the ointment to heal through loving servanthood to expiration in eternity.”

Dr. Douglas Kessner has been a child of God for almost half a century.  He is the founder and chairman of Cornerstone Ministries in Kingston, Jamaica

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