My Father and my God, when I think of assurance, my mind leaps to a flight of ideas as to what it really is. My first thought relates to my own salvation, not only my eternal salvation, but can I lose my salvation?
You know, Father, the thought that Satan wants me, in my carnal nature, to ponder. The thought from the carnal nature that brings doubt, condemnation, fear, insecurity; the thought that could make my volition rise to the occasion, that says, “Doug, you are out of control; get hold of yourself and regain responsibility of your own self-centred destiny.” Before I knew You as my Saviour, LORD, at thirty-one years old, I was a slave to death, believing that I was my own god and in control of my own destiny. What is with that thought anyway? Now that I think of it, why didn’t somebody slap me?
Assurance! What is it really like? What colour is it? Can you taste it? Is it tangible? Is it alive? Is there truth in it? Can you really trust it? Can you really find assurance in an unsure, uncertain, out-of-control, oftentimes violent, unfriendly, competitive world?
My son, your assurance is in this world but not of this world. You ask what is the colour of assurance? Even more importantly, you ask, is assurance alive? More profoundly, is there truth in My assurance? Yes, my son, in My assurance there is truth, regeneration, security, guarantee, confidence, sealing, eternal, unfailing trust, personal support, full to overflowing.
This is your assurance: My Son. Your eternal heritage is in His sacrifice, atonement, and redemption.
Your assurance is not based on your senses, your good or bad works.
Your assurance is in My Word: “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Col. 2:8 (NIV)
My son, assurance is freedom from the slavery of self. It is the soul’s complete liberation from your volition and the power of evil; and from consequent judgement made possible through the atonement, relationship, love, and grace of Christ.
It is the exact opposite of self-assurance. It is denying self for the experience of knowing the fullness of Christ; only then can you be assured of security, freedom, and eternal life in Him.
Dr. Douglas Kessner is the founder and chairman of Cornerstone Ministries in Kingston, Jamaica