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Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. Leviticus 26:4

By Maxine Demetrius

It never fails to amaze me how quickly plants can be resuscitated when God opens the windows of heaven. I remember recently searching for a sickly-looking cullen (colon) mint in my garden as I was considering uprooting it, but not for the life of me could I find it! It had apparently disappeared without a trace. But in such a short time? 

I stood staring at the spot and blinked twice: after a few days of intense rain, the plant was now a lush and vibrant green and rivalling the other herbs around it.  

Who can stand against the LORD?

This week, we bring you some pics from our mostly household ‘farmers.’

                Farmer Jascinth spotted this pineapple in her yard growing in the thicket.

  From blossom to pumpkin, Farmer Samson contemplates the beauty of the fruit of his hand.  

Dr. Sylvia Mitchell shows how easy it is to grow celery from cuttings.  If you like the stems a lighter green, place a tall and roomy plastic bottle wrapped with newspaper around it; an added advantage is that the bottle will give the celery stalks support as they grow taller. 

Farmer Neil is happy to report that with all the rains over the last few weeks, the herbal garden is pure delight. During the cooler months of the year, this pot of tarragon will bloom some vivid yellow blossoms.

“Spare yourself a moment,” says Farmer Neil,  “and sip some spearmint ‘tea’ today.” 

Lemon Balm is delicious on salads, too.

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