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Becoming a true worshipper

What is worship?

For a long time, I believed and confined worship to singing and dancing, especially when it moved the church “to get into the spirit, evidenced by loud speaking in tongues and the occasional rolling on the floor.” Talk truth! Am I the only one who thought this was what worship was primarily about?  Or maybe you thought worship is just an item on the church’s programme; just that part where the moderator invites the praise and worship team to lead the church in a time of “worship.”


So, what is worship, true worship? Is it the singing of slow – not fast, but slooooooow – gospel songs with hands raised and eyes closed? Is it speaking in tongues or shouting “hallelujah”?

I remember when I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to start my podcast called, “Becoming a True Worshipper.” I thought it would be mostly discussions about singing and maybe some of the other artistic expressions. I began reaching out to some gospel singers and musicians to be guests on my podcast.

After many failed attempts to meet up, I realised that God was delaying these interviews because He wanted me to first uncover and unmask my own journey to becoming who He wanted me to be. So, for the first few episodes, God had me sharing things about my life that I had forgotten or wanted to forget. I was so uncomfortable. I struggled with each episode but obeyed what I believed the Holy Spirit wanted me to do.

What did this have to do with worship? Worship to God requires obedience, even in making public those things about ourselves that we would rather hide.

The Oxford dictionary defines worship as “the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.”  According to Merriam-Webster, worship comes from the Middle English word “worshipe,” which means worthiness, respect, or reverence paid to a divine being. Worshipe originally came from the Old English word “weorthscipe,” which meant worthiness or respect.

In the Bible, there are numerous words for worship; some of these include: Shachah (shaw-khaw) to bow down or prostrate oneself in homage; Tephillah (tefillah), meaning prayer, often sung as intercession and petition; and Yadah (Yah-dah), the extended hand that expresses gratitude, thankfulness, and surrender.


So, what do you say worship is, and who is a true worshipper? I came across this blog written by Greg Laurie, who is an American evangelist and author. Entitled “We were created to Worship God,” he wrote, “We were created to worship. And when you get down to it, every person on Earth does worship. We don’t all worship the God of Heaven, but we all worship someone or something. It may be a sports figure, an entertainer, or someone else. It may be a possession. But everyone bows at some kind of altar. Even atheists worship. Sceptics worship. Republicans and Democrats worship. Independents worship. Everyone, everywhere, worships. It’s the fundamental drive of life and one of the unique distinctions of humanity.”

In Isaiah 43:21, the LORD says, “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.” We were created to worship God; this is our primary purpose for existing. 

Through several interviews, I sought to find out what people understood worship to be. Here are some of their responses:

* Worship is a lifestyle, a heart-to-heart connection with God. Alison, Botswana

* Act of adoring and reverencing God. It is communion of my spirit with God’s Spirit. Worship is surrendering completely to God. Memory, Botswana

* Giving God the glory and honour that is worthy to His name. Acknowledging His sovereignty and submitting under His power. Worship starts from the heart. Worship creates an environment that brings the presence of God down so healing, breakthrough, supernatural things can happen. Abigail, Botswana

* When worshipping, there are certain things that we do to show that we are humbling ourselves before Someone Who is greater. Worship is giving, fasting, praying, singing, prostrating, raising our hands. Rebecca, Rwanda

* Where we make an intentional effort to meet with God. A place where you adore and love on God despite what you have or don’t have. A place of surrender and humility. Rocamara, Rwanda

* One of the necessities for those who follow Jesus Christ is worship. Worship is the furnace of the spiritual life, something that moves our spiritual life. Worship—it is not necessarily what you get out of it but what God gets out of it. Worship is not an event but an experience. Not a programme, but a way of life; it is all about God. Rev. Jasper, Zimbabwe


We exist to worship God, so when we fail to worship Him, we also fail to fulfil our divine purpose. Revelation 4:11: “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

Our journey, though, to becoming true worshippers must start with us fully understanding worship by God’s definition. For we cannot become what we don’t fully understand. To understand is to perceive or grasp the significance, implications, or importance of a subject matter. Proverbs 4:7b even encourages us that in all our getting, to get understanding.

Understand therefore that worship is more than a song, more than our hallelujahs. Worship is more than an item on the church’s programme or the ability to move a crowd with our gifts and talents. Worship is our willingness to obey God even when His instructions make us uncomfortable. Worship is doing life, God’s way, every day in every way.

Until next time…keep on becoming true worshippers.

Lisa May Dillon, a pastor and worship leader in Montego Bay, Jamaica, is creator of the podcast, Becoming A True Worshipper.

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