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Bride of Christ: Reclaim your sacred space

While trying to send out an important email, I received a pop-up that I will no longer be able to send emails because my inbox was full and had no more space. My options were either to buy more or clean up my existing space. Much to my dismay, I got similar alerts on my phone and also my work email on the same day. Which begs me to ask the question… are we having a “Space Crisis”?

As I quickly scrolled through my inbox, I had to make a choice to identify and eliminate the culprits crowding out my space. I reflected that in this 21st century era crowd of information overload and given the dynamic digital landscape, as the demand for digital solutions increases, we are having a looming crisis of running out of space—not just digital space, but sacred space. Thus, my query: who or what is stealing your space?


The 21st century crowd is very different from what we are used to. Just as physical spaces can become cramped, our spiritual and mental landscapes can suffer from overcrowding of negative thoughts, irrelevant information, and emotional or mental baggage from past experiences, leaving little room for the essentials of life.

This crowd represents the noise of our inner thoughts trying to convince us that we are not good enough. It represents the constant notifications that steal our focus, forcing an immediate response, resulting in us being shallow thinkers instead of having real depth. This crowd is very extensive and far-reaching and has the potential to bombard us daily, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and otherwise overrunning important spaces. Like Adam, we have to heed the instruction to guard our garden from the weeds of this world or risk hoarding unnecessary ‘stuff’ to our demise.

The crowd also represents our cluttered schedules, societal expectations, and personal anxieties, which are just as obstructive. Clutter is a space thief! When our minds are cluttered, it runs low on space and disrupts our flow state. When our lives are cluttered, we become irritable and experience mental health challenges.

Another space thief is distraction! When our soul is distracted, our spirit man becomes malnourished as it runs low on space, and we lose our joy and peace.


In order to cope in this chaotic world, we have to be deliberate about carving out sacred spaces. That’s the space where we create a threshold between earthly distractions and heavenly rest. In Psalm 91, we are reminded of the benefit of not just visiting, but “dwelling in the secret place.” This place is a space where God inhabits and resides. When life is full, finding this space can be tough, but it is very important, for it allows us to respond ‘on purpose’ from a place of peace rather than reacting from a triggered place.

  • P.U.S.H through

Like the woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9:20), we must refuse to allow the crowd to hinder our faith. Although she faced a literal crowd—people pressing in on every side as Jesus walked through the streets—her desperation and faith drove her to push through this crowd.

To touch Jesus with intent, we must P.U.S.H (Pursue, Utilise, Strategise, and Hear) through the lies and arrows of the enemy by standing on the Word of Truth and lifting up the Shield of Faith (Eph 6:10). As we push through, we must keep our eyes so fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Heb 12:2), so that we don’t lose our glimpse or pursuit of Him as the crowd thickens.                                                                                                              

  • P.U.L.L back

On the flip side, we may have to pull back to deal with some crowds. The story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38–42 presents a different kind of crowd: the relentless demands of daily life. Like Mary, we may have to pull back from the crowd of Duty and Demands to sit at Jesus feet. Martha finds herself in the midst of the crowd, “distracted by her many tasks” and consumed by worry and anxiety. Martha demands that Jesus tell Mary to help her when she feels overwhelmed by her many tasks. The modern “crowd” of daily demands can be overwhelming, often causing us to lose sight of what’s truly important.

Jesus’ response was an encouragement to take on Mary’s posture to prioritise His Presence. When the world is telling us more is required, we can choose less. His encouragement is to pull back from the multitasking myth, which, like Martha, will leave us burnt out, stressed out, and worn out trying to keep up. We should follow His instruction so He can transform our water into wine, giving us the New Wine of Grace which will never run out.

Let us heed as He whispers that only one thing is necessary in this season and trust Him to give us the wisdom to wisely P.U.L.L—Prioritize, Understand, Leverage, and Lessen.

In our busy lives, it is essential to understand and address the culprit crowding out our sacred space. The crowds are everywhere and will present themselves in many forms, but the Word of God remains applicable and will sharpen our perspective as to the relevant actions to take. Let us ask God to give us the strategy to know when to push through the crowd and when to pull back and refocus.

Esther Sinclair, a pastor’s wife and mother of five in Jamaica, still finds time to be a full-time accountant. A writer as well, she has authored Cultivating Purpose, and the trilogy series: Truth101- Let the Animals Teach you to Survive…to Soar…and to Succeed.

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