Bride of Christ: Role of the intercessor

We are called by our heavenly Father, HaShem, into His heavenly Kingdom as priests and kings unto Him. We are specially ordained and assigned according to the specific divine purpose of HaShem. We are called to carry out the Great Commission, which is to preach and teach the Word of God.

All together, we are assigned for Divine Kingdom purpose, and to succeed in this mission, we must be supplicating/praying men and women intercessors, ready to stand in the gap, not create the gap.


  • One who stands between the LORD, our Creator, in humility and submission, praying for ourselves and others, seeking help, intervention, deliverance, salvation, healing, miracles, support, and re-alignment from the LORD.
  • Those who seek the will, plan, and purpose of God in all things.

Thus, all born-again Believers—male and female, children, and seniors—are called to pray. Pastors, apostles, bishops, evangelists, teachers, and all in spiritual positions are called to pray, speaking to the LORD, having a conversation with our Creator daily and consistently. This is the key part in our relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth, speaking and communicating with Him. Any relationship with solid and effective communication will be very healthy.

Paul, the Apostle, prayed without ceasing. And the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth prayed to His Father always while He was on earth, and He told His disciples, “If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.” John 14:14; 1Thess. 5:17.


We intercede to petition God for ourselves and on behalf of others, who could be our family, friends, church, community, colleagues, country, the seven pillars of our nation, and other nations of the world, based on information and knowledge of the prevailing circumstances, challenges, and issues affecting us as individuals, families, and the nation.

This is a divine mandate, which we must carry out through the unconditional love of Yeshua Hamashiach, Who loved us and gave His life for us. We must pray with love for those on behalf of whom we supplicate.


As intercessors and praying Believers, we must be mindful to avoid evil communications that corrupt good manners. The enemy comes to whisper questions and start a conversation that sows discord and creates a gap in your thoughts or actions towards another. 

For example, note the subtle and crafty Satan when he asked Eve in the Garden of Eden, “Did God really say that?” Genesis 3:1-2.

Some individuals come around you with seemingly harmless questions and conversations, but if you are not careful or mindful, it could be a trap to lead you astray and corrupt or contaminate the good work and mind, body, and soul that you have given to be used for God’s glory. Seek wisdom and discernment. Avoid such communication by depending on the voice of the Holy Spirit. He is your Divine Paraclete, the One called to work alongside you in the race of life and destiny.

There is one who is not celebrating your devotion and dedication to the one true God, YHWH, Elohim, Adoniah—your growth and progress in Christ are upsetting the enemy of your destiny, Satan. Know that your faithfulness and purity are like a hot slap in the face of the devil, just like Job’s faithfulness and devotion to God were a deadly blow to Satan, whose plots and strategy against Job failed!

As Satan has failed in the life of Job, Jesus Christ our Saviour, and the saints triumphant; so he will fail in our lives as we keep our focus and dedication on YHWH. 


Standing in the gap as intercessors is an awesome and strategic aspect of our faith. When you are given dreams, visions, and revelations, information, and spiritual intelligence, use it humbly and wisely. Yes, in the place of intercession, do it respectfully and wisely. Do not use the weakness of the people whom you intercede for against them or despise them. God sees and knows us in much detail and still loves and forgives us, caringly bringing us through transformation with the help of the Holy Spirit. When we intercede for others, we must do so with love and respect. 

While we give our reasonable service and commitment to God in Christ, we must not misspell, misread, misinterpret, misrepresent, misunderstand, misconstrue, misstep, become presumptuous, get familiar, and take things for granted. Keep spiritual matters in the realm of prayers and intercession. 

God is entrusting you with information and some level of knowledge, so you can sincerely intercede and supplicate before the LORD and not create enmity or use the information against each other, like Jonah did when he wanted the intended judgement from God to fall fully on Nineveh!

It is through intercessory prayers and repentance that you must press in to bring in the will of God and overturn the will of man, Satan, and all who align with the forces of evil and rebelliousness in the land.

Remember that we are called into accountability with the LORD, our God. Abraham stood in the gap for Sodom and for his nephew Lot and his family. Moses stood in the gap, bearing the burden of the children of Israel before the LORD with deep love and compassion, presenting his reasons for the supplications and intercession, like a lawyer before a judge.


Intercessors and all praying Believers all over the world are threats to the kingdom of darkness and his minions. As they are setting traps for you, keep overturning their traps and evil altars.

Jeremiah 1:10 is a key scripture for all intercessors and warriors in the Kingdom of God. Root out, pull down, destroy, throw down, build and plant with the mighty words of God! Also, according to Ephesians 6:18, “And pray always with all manner of prayer and supplication in the spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints.”

When you begin to operate in this dimension, in everything, praying with all manner of prayers and supplication for the saints, the forces of wickedness will want to attack you because they see you as a threat to their evil works and activities. They will want to show hatred and a despiteful attitude towards you as intercessors. This is also a reflection of your power and position with the LORD. 

Do not be afraid of their faces and the manifestations of their works.  God is hearing and answering all your prayers.

Pray on! The hotter the battle, the sweeter the victory!

Dr. Patience Bazuaye-Alonge, Pastor and Co-Host of the ‘Voice of Evidence – the Midnight Cry’ on TBC Radio.  She is also Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Biology at Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica.
