By Gordon M. Swaby
In the time that Jesus lived as a man on Earth, we saw how He exemplified some principles of spiritual occupation as He sought to regain God’s Kingdom influence in the Earth.
Like any good leader would, He also set up a succession plan by mentoring and commissioning a team of Disciples who would carry on His mission after He returned to His Father. This expansion mission would mainly be achieved through evangelizing, enlisting more Believers into the Kingdom’s army.
Jesus gave Believers the template to be followed and also assured us that not only was it guaranteed to work in the territories we would conquer – if the principles are adhered to – but He would also never leave us or forsake us on this quest; He would stay with us always, even to the end.
“The occupying military force may exploit the economic resources of the occupied territory for its own benefit. “
In the beginning, God created man in the Garden of Eden and placed him as manager and chief caretaker of the facility. During that time, Adam ate and benefitted greatly from the resources provided therein. The system worked well; noted economist Thomas Sowell pointed out that the Garden of Eden was a distribution system that did not work on the laws of economics simply because it had NO LACK.
However, Satan inserted himself into Eden and the system of abundance was suddenly turned into lack; thereby causing God to re-order Eden’s affairs by making a new decree for Adam:
“By the sweat of your face, you will eat bread until you return to the ground for from it you were taken.” (Genesis 3:19 AMP)
What was hitherto a life of ease and abundance had overnight been transformed into one of toil and limitation.
This situation has continued to date in varied ways. For example, look at how governments manage the exploitation of natural resources within their territories, determining who gains access. It is the government that controls (through the granting of licences/permits) who can take advantage of a country’s mineral resources, like gold, and engage in commercial activities related to same.
The feeding of the 5,000

Then came Jesus, turning this whole scheme on its head by the feeding of the five thousand. Jesus began by challenging Philip, asking him where will they be able to buy bread to feed all these people. (John 6)
Philip’s response was interesting: “Two hundred denarii (200 day’s wages) worth of bread” would not be enough to feed each person there even a small portion;” effectively indicating that, based on what was occurring in the economy at that time, the money available to them (the sweat of your face) and the cost of the bread to feed the crowd would not allow for the feeding of the multitude.
No problem for Jesus — He had a principle to teach as part of the occupying force that had come to the Earth! For under the existing dispensation, abundance had been turned into lack with the fall of Adam, but now He, Jesus, had come to demonstrate how to take LACK and turn it back into ABUNDANCE.
Jesus learned that a boy had some food in the crowd, consisting of five barley loaves and two fish — which He took and subjected to heaven’s Supply Law which states, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek; and ye shall find.” (Matthew 7:7)
Jesus was therefore able to demonstrate what was possible when the Kingdom was petitioned and allowed to participate in the domain of men. This is only effective when the people of God truly understand the rules of engagement and become channels for God’s supernatural intervention.
“The occupying military force may restrict the civil liberties of the occupied population, such as freedom of speech and movement. “
Jesus continued His impartation of the Kingdom’s agenda by declaring the following:
“Whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven” (Matthew 18:18)
In essence, distinct provision has been made in the heavenlies to enforce and support words spoken by members of the Lord’s army who are championing the things of God and working in step with His will.
Did you find it interesting that the evil spirits, who had tormented the man of the Gadarenes (Luke 8), asked to be transferred to a herd of pigs when they sensed they were to be cast out? This situation demonstrates that they were under the power of Jesus and subject to His bidding.
Similar to Jesus, through the authority He has bestowed on us as His soldiers, we can curtail and restrict these spirits’ freedom and their ability to operate within the Earth’s domain.
“Military occupation often leads to resistance and conflict from the occupied population, which can escalate into violence and rebellion.”
Finally, in our fight as Believers to occupy and recover ground lost to the enemy, we must expect and be prepared for resistance and conflict. The realities of battle will allow for nothing less. Mark Jesus’ warning in Matthew 11:12: “The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent must take it by force.”
Remember, we are wrestling “not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places…” (Ephesians 6:12).Therefore, all opposition to Kingdom expansion must be seen for what it principally is —spiritual — and treated with accordingly.
God has “set [us] over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:10) So, be not “afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.” (Jeremiah 1:8)
Contact Gordon M. Swaby (Engineer by profession and a Kingdom Visionary) at p4cjamaica@gmail.com