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Bride of Christ: “They are gonna take away our Bibles”

“They are gonna take away our Bibles.” I used to hear this warning whenever we spoke of the End Times—when Christianity was on the decline, Christians were shunned, and people were against Christ Jesus. I couldn’t understand how that was going to be possible because we have so many physical Bibles. Bibles that we even forget we have. So, how can authorities have the resources to search every nook and cranny to find and confiscate our book of Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth?

Each year, more Bibles are sold than any other book, so the number continues to grow. ( says it’s between 5 to 7 billion copies in circulation, and some 6.4 copies sold every 10 seconds.)

Maybe the strategy isn’t about keeping the Bible from us but about keeping us from the Bible.


Let’s deliberately embark on a journey of discovery through the Bible. Don’t just run to familiar passages like Psalms 23, John 3:16–17. No, let’s read it from cover to cover, then back again.

If we have been reading one verse per day, let’s challenge ourselves to read a whole chapter; if we’ve been reading a chapter, let’s strive to read a whole book; if we’ve been reading one book, let’s aim to read two. Let’s explore the richness and depth of the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


When we feel compelled not to read the Bible, we’re experiencing a covert attack. Don’t think it’s just like other preferences or decisions. Whenever you start thinking, “I don’t have the time,” “I am not good at reading,” or “I don’t like reading,” that’s the enemy giving us excuses that we pass off as good, valid reasons.

You must fight the battle to read the Word.

Switch it up. If you normally read one version, read a different version. If your eyesight is not so good anymore, start listening to the audio version. There are multiple free online Bible apps. Instead of playing music all the time or listening to some radio programme, turn it off and turn on the audio Bible.

Incorporate your children into this practice. If they have trouble “shutting down” their brains and going to sleep, play the audio Bible. It will pique their interest, and they will experience more of the depth of God’s heart, not only the popular stories that the world dismisses as fairy tales.

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” (Hebrews 4:12–13).


As the world changes, we will be triggered and distracted to keep us from Truth. The world will want us to think and feel the way it wants. Only the Word of God will keep us in peace, steady, and firm, anchored in what is true and eternal. They have already created the 10 Commandments on climate change, which were first published by Pope Francis in 2015.  

Suggestions are being made that since artificial intelligence (AI) is so advanced, we might ask AI to “write a new Bible.” This could be a gateway to removing digital copies of the Word of God and replacing them with an artificial version.

Online versions may be blocked (or tweaked here and there), or they may even create some new Bible that is anti-Christ, so we can’t depend wholly on online versions. Please ensure you have a physical Bible.


For now, we have access to many free online resources. Take advantage of this opportunity, for it will not last.

Bring our children and new converts along. Here are some resources I’ve found helpful:

  • The Superbook Series – Animated version of Bible stories with applications and connections between the Old and New Testaments.

Although children might be Superbook’s target audience, (Superbook refers to them as ‘kids,’ however, I was recently reminded that God doesn’t call us ‘kids’), I would still recommend it to new Believers who have no prior experience with the Bible. Superbook illustrates lesser-known events documented in the Bible and is not a surface illustration of the events of David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lions’ Den, or Moses crossing the Red Sea.

The series does not shy away from illustrating the fact that we are not only part of a physical world but also a powerful spiritual one. Their website is at

  • RightNow Media – Your Christian alternative to Netflix. The video library also contains the Superbook Series.
  • YouVersion – This is a free Bible app you can download from the app store. It offers access to a wide range of translations, some with audio options. It also has a wide range of devotionals.
  • Redeemed Zoomer – This is a YouTube channel geared towards the younger generation. The videos are fun to watch and easy to understand. I got hooked on this channel last year with this video, “All Christian denominations explained in 12 minutes.” As of today, this video has been viewed over 10 million times.

My children have included “Story of the entire Bible, I guess” as part of their daily devotion routine.

Mr. Zoomer (not his real name) was once a liberal atheist but recently converted to Christianity. There are a few theological beliefs he has that I might not necessarily agree with, but I guess I could say that about every Christian I know. I think the knowledge that you get from his videos is enough to pique your interest in reading the Bible. He does a good job of showing how we have over complicated and elevated religion over Christ. I think he has done a better job than I did with my book “The Two Kingdoms” to explain the simplicity of the world and to remove the veil formed by the lies and deception of the god of this world.

  • Search Engine – If you are looking for something in the Bible but don’t know where to find it, use a search engine like Google. Type the word “Bible,” then type whatever you want. It will show you passages.


As Christ continues to open our eyes and hearts to see the lies and deceptions in this world, we will inevitably see how the enemy has infiltrated our churches. We will feel tempted to walk away.

But Jesus continued to visit and teach in the synagogues (Mark 1:21-28). At the same time, as reported in Matthew 23, He gave the religious leaders and theologians a tongue-lashing, not mincing words, calling them hypocrites and white-washed sepulchres. Christ told the people to do what the leaders say, but don’t do what they do. (Matt 23:1-3)  Submit to God what leaders say, for not everything they speak is Godly. 

It is important to connect with people; there is power in Godly relationships. If you want to find a bunch of spiritual-minded people, they are in Church. Find a Bible-believing church. You don’t need a large group; with the Holy Spirit, you will always be in the majority.

What other resources do you use? Share those ideas with us!

Contact Jennifer Starns at [email protected]. Jennifer is a software specialist, who offers coaching and mentoring services to software consultants. Her first book, The Two Kingdoms, is available on

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