Bride of Christ: What is the church’s position on the dark arts?

I recommend that you take the time to prayerfully read and absorb the implications of Deuteronomy 28:15–67. This passage of Scripture makes reference to the curses and damnation that can afflict a nation that chooses not to hear the voice and follow the commandments of God. As you read this passage, you should be able to hear the voice of God’s wrath. We do know that we are already seeing some of these curses upon our beloved nation, Jamaica, and were it not for the prayers of intercessors, this would be worse.

In light of the implications of the practice of witchcraft and the associated demonic practices, I wish to address the question: where does the church really weigh in on the matter of Revivalism, in particular, and other forms of religious rituals shrouded in darkness, in general?

Many churches that are considered ‘traditional’, that is, those that have in some way adopted the traditions of the Roman church, do not speak much regarding “spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph 6:12).

Very little of the biblical teaching done in these churches addresses spiritual warfare and the dark forces of the enemy. It is as though the many biblical references to the enemy of our soul are non-existent, save for the temptation of Jesus by the devil, while He fasted in the wilderness for 40 days before His public ministry was launched. 

In the lectionary (prescribed liturgical readings) of these ‘denominations,’ this particular set of scriptures generally comes up once a year, just prior to the Lenten season—that interval in the Christian calendar that marks a time of spiritual self-examination, coinciding with the period leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus. In addition, there is also paucity in teaching about casting out demons and evil spirits in particular, and deliverance in general, which are usually aspects of spiritual warfare.

Why would the traditional church be so reluctant to teach about the very thing that has caused mankind to need the salvation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth?

It was disobedience and pride that caused Satan to be cast out of heaven, along with the angels that followed him. He didn’t want to conform to the voice of God; he only wanted the power of God. Consequently, his influence in the lives of the first man and woman caused them to question (miss) the voice of God and refrain from following His commandments, so ushering sin into the world.  Since then, mankind has been under the influence of evil in its many forms.

Christians need to be taught through the Word of God that they have authority over the principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world (Eph 6:12). They should also be alerted to the fact that they cannot be on the fence when it comes to the things of God—mixing and mingling the things of God with the things of the world.

It is up to the church to do the enlightening, but it almost appears as if those tasked to do so are afraid to speak up and speak out.

Could it be that persons in some of these very churches, some who are highly placed, even occupying the pulpit, are reticent because they are practitioners of the dark arts? Are they aligned with secret societies or visiting balm yards and such places of evil? Evil cannot cast out evil, nor will it speak out against it. Those in positions of authority in these religious institutions, who are not themselves connected to the underworld, may also be recipients of funding from them and thus cannot bite the hand that feeds them.

Be warned; God is keeping a record of the shepherds that are leading the flock astray.

While speaking with a colleague who also had concerns about why the people of God in the assembly she was attending were not taught about spiritual warfare, she reported that when the religious leader in charge was questioned, the response was, “The people (members) are not ready for such teaching.”

Tell me: Is there a specific time to be taught that there is real evil in the world and that, as members of the body of Christ, we need to be able to recognise it for what it is and cancel it? Perhaps that is why many churches are powerless, because they don’t know what they are dealing with in the spirit realm and are thus unable to counteract it or are just indifferent to it.

Thankfully, though, there are other assemblies that recognise this deficiency and equip their congregants accordingly.

Critically needed across the body of Christ is an approach in which persons’ eyes can be opened with the appropriate teaching and training conducted, thereby enabling the sheep to identify and render null and void the workings of the dark spiritual realm. 

Where then does this leave our nation as our government, through the actions of the Minister of Culture, is actively trying to validate that which can cause our nation to go under—endorsing Revivalism through the “back door”?

What about Obeah, which some people just see as a harmless part of our African heritage and culture? Not to mention the many other rituals, dances, and activities associated with demonic activity. Will the body of Christ remain largely silent until our nation is plunged into utter spiritual darkness? No! It is time for us born-again Believers to arise, pray, teach, speak out, write, be a voice—even a voice in the wilderness—regarding this matter, until our nation is rid of the scourge of demonic possession. 

We have too much to lose as a nation “under God,” and we each must do all that is necessary to fulfil our national pledge by playing our part in “advancing the welfare of the whole human race.”

Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put on your armour! 

Contact Jascinth Aarons at
