Busting the Beast

The Satanic system of Babylon has been rapidly gobbling up countries like the savage, desperate, and devious monster that it is. Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and large sections of Europe have already been sucked in, swallowed, and digested. The grotesque footprints of this beast system are evident in rampant sexual immorality, gender confusion, homosexuality and all its off-shoots including transgenderism, bestiality, wilful abortions, the rise in prostitution, the breakdown of families, wanton murder, abuse, witchcraft, sorcery, secret societies, corruption, population control, and all sorts of ungodliness. There are also outright attacks on men and women of God and the Church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

In the countries that the blood-thirsty monster has already consumed, these ills are normalised, adopted into the rule of law, stoutly defended by the majority, and even embraced by elements of the church.

This desperate monster, with a trail of destruction in its wake, has now set its sights on Africa and the Caribbean, and if things are left to corrupt and money-grabbing politicians and other Satanic leaders of industries and even the church, a red carpet of welcome would be rolled out for the demonic system of wickedness.

When Babylon sets its claws into a country, all hell breaks loose. Children, particularly those who have no righteous cover, suffer immensely.

Only last week, a new report coming out of the United States claimed that gender dysphoria has the highest prevalence among youth of European descent. This study indicates that discomfort with one’s gender is most common among children, especially girls with “exceptionally high intelligence” and a history of mental health issues.

A website called Parents of ROGD kids.com, which has formed a support group for families with gender dysphoric children, surveyed parents who believed they had children experiencing rapid onset gender dysphoria.

The website’s creators, Suzanna Diaz and J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern University’s Department of Psychology, said the 1,774 responses to the survey were collected from Dec. 1, 2017, through Oct. 22, 2021.

Many countries under Babylonian rule have seen this sort of confusion and regrettably devious behaviour among children. But the response from the adults in these countries is to encourage gender change and make gender reassignment procedures accessible to these youngsters. Despite the high number of suicides among affected children, these countries have banded together to indoctrinate the rest of the world into joining this ungodly alliance.

Published studies have indicated that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.

If the peoples of the Caribbean and Africa were to open their doors to the wiles of the Satanic system, the next report will show a similar trend of gender discontent among our youth.

Gender dysphoria is not just a mental health issue; it is a spiritual attack. It is a denial of the divine truth of who God says we are and an acceptance of what Satan and his minions want us to believe.

Some countries in the region have already capitulated under the pressure from up north, but others like Jamaica continue to resist, despite the government pocketing billions of dollars from wealthly Babylon-consumed nations, devouring the proverbial poisoned carrot like the unsuspecting hungry rabbit.

The people of Africa and their governments have said a resounding no; this system of gross immorality is not for them.

Strangely, Africa, which is well-known for all sorts of spiritism and a plurality of gods, has stood strong against this evil system.

Jamaica, which some say holds the record for the highest number of churches per square mile, is the next frontier that this monster has placed in its line of sight.

Despite the many churches, it would appear that the Satanic monster has picked up the stench of blood on the land. What is deeply troubling is that the blood-stench that is prevalent may very well be that of the tens of thousands of Jamaicans who have been mercilessly slaughtered at the hands of marauding gunmen.

Too many of the thousands of churches on the land remain locked in trivial ritualisms and envy and are unavailable to the mighty move of God that has caught a fire in some places.

In fact, if the churches in Jamaica were united and presented a solid push against the advance of the enemy, the gates of hell, that have clearly arrived on our shores, they would not have a chance to ever prevail.

That Canada, a country that is already in the belly of the beast, could find itself on the committee appointed by the Jamaican government to reform the country’s Constitution, is a daring and deliberate signal from the monster that it has arrived safely and has found prime accommodations in Gordon House.

Nadine Harris: