Calls for Holness to step down

The Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has called for  Holness to step down immediately, following the publication of the IC report. The PNP insists that doing so would be in the best interest of the nation and is necessary to preserve the dignity of Jamaica’s democracy.

The Office of the Prime Minister must be a beacon of integrity, not a place to shield oneself from scrutiny. Mr Holness’s ongoing rearguard action to remain in power under a cloud of suspicion is unacceptable. We call on him to do the right thing and step down immediately. His continued presence in office is a disservice to the Jamaican people and our democratic system,” the PNP stated.

The Parliamentary Opposition says it’s in the process of reviewing the 171 page report with its legal team to have a full understanding of the implications of the IC’s investigation. The PNP said the findings in the report are troubling and believes Holness’ decision to remain in power under a cloud of suspicion is unacceptable.

The PNP Patriots have also called for Holness’ resignation  based on the findings of the IC report.

“It is time for Jamaicans to unite and demand accountability. Holness must step down to ensure that the country’s highest office is not compromised, and to allow for a thorough and independent investigation into these troubling allegations,” the group said in a statement.
