
Bride Of Christ: Standing in the gap

Interceding for the seven pillars of the nation As intercessors, we study and arm ourselves…

Devotional: The mystery of nothing

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I…


More missing children as demand for blood increases Wizardry opens up our children to the…

5785 Prophecies

More churches to turn away from Godly principles The spirit of apostasy will increase. Many…

Prophecies: Meat Shortage coming

Even though the world will be in turmoil at different points, the born again believer…

“It’s spiritual war”

Christians mount prayer vigil for Israel As the war between Israel and Palestine intensifies, some…

Sinners must be called to repentance!

With the election just a few months away, several groups, including the media, the Integrity…

Sinners must be called to repentance!

A message about heaven and hell delivered during a funeral service attended by politicians from…

Becoming a true worshipper

What is worship? For a long time, I believed and confined worship to singing and…

Bride of Christ: Role of the intercessor

We are called by our heavenly Father, HaShem, into His heavenly Kingdom as priests and…