Citizens Encouraged to Play Their Part in Positively Transforming Jamaica

Jamaicans are being encouraged to play their part in positively transforming the nation for present and future generations.

This urging comes from Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport Olivia Grange, who says persons should seek to play a collective role in building Jamaica into a modern paradise by, among other things, looking out for each other.

“I am asking you all to be committed… to making Jamaica the land we all love and a place for our children to guarantee their future. Be committed to your country, to carrying on the fight for the betterment of your country and children,” the Minister said.

She was speaking during Wednesday’s (December 28) Sam Sharpe Flames of Freedom Ceremony at Tulloch Castle in Kensington, St. James.

The ceremony was among the events, including a concert, marking the 191st anniversary of the 1831 Slave Rebellion led by National Hero, the Right Excellent Samuel Sharpe, on the Kensington Estate.

Ms. Grange noted that Jamaicans should be seized of the importance of “standing for something” that will chart a path to freedom and a better future as Sam Sharpe did by his involvement in the quest to abolish slavery across the island.

“Gathered here at the site of memory, we come with gratitude and a sense of pride to the place where it all started – Tulloch Castle. It is the place where the proverbial final nail was hammered in the coffin of slavery by the Right Excellent Samuel Sharpe and his band of warriors,” she indicated.

Ms. Grange pointed out that “today we are free… because of Sam Sharpe and many others”, adding that “we are free to protect our brothers and sisters”.

A Sam Sharpe Flames of Freedom Torch Run was also held on Wednesday, which started in Catadupa Square with the runners proceeding to Cambridge and then Montpellier, Anchovy and into Sam Sharpe Square where a short ceremony took place.

The torch was subsequently taken to Granville and John’s Hall, before the run ended at Tulloch Castle in Kensington for an official event.

Meanwhile, Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister (West  Homer Davis, acknowledged the role of former Member of Parliament (MP) for St. James Southern, Derrick Kellier, in initiating the Sam Sharpe Flames of Freedom celebrations several years ago.

Mr. Davis, who succeeded Mr. Kellier as MP, along with Ms. Grange and Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with Responsibility for Information, Hon. Robert Morgan, presented the former parliamentarian with a special citation, honouring him in this regard, as well as for being instrumental in lobbying for December 27 to be recognised as Sam Sharpe Day.

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Nadine Harris: