Commentary: God gives life! Not governments

Over the past centuries, the human population has gone through extraordinary changes. In 1800, there were one billion people on the face of the earth. Today, there are more than 8.2 billion of us.

The fools who do not believe in the truth of creation are convinced that the world’s population must not be allowed to rise beyond the earth’s ecological capacity, as there is a cap on the essentials for life such as water, shelter, food, and social amenities. These nincompoops will never admit that the insatiable greed of the wicked results in mild to severe poverty for the majority.

Their peanut-sized brains cannot grasp the fact that God, who created the heavens and the earth, is without limits, and He did not give Adam, Noah, or Abraham any restriction when He told each of them at different times to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth. God was mindful to establish laws to govern how man must replenish His earth. This must be done within the framework of righteousness, but no limit was set to the extent of the replenishment.

In fact, God is the giver and taker of life, and the overarching responsibility to replenish the earth, its flora and fauna, and the very air we breathe in order to sustain humanity and all other living things rests with Him.

So when the United Nations (UN), one of the crooked hands pushing global population control, predicts that there will be about 10.3 billion people on the earth by the mid-2080s, it is signalling a significant slowdown of the human replenishment process.

Academic studies suggest that the reduction in population size in any particular country, town, or other geographic area can be caused by a number of factors, including ageing, emigration, birthrates, and/or fertility rates below the population’s replacement rate. It can also be caused by high infant mortality rates due to underdeveloped health care systems and high death rates due to war and violence, disease, or other catastrophes.

Regardless of what findings studies may churn up, the Scriptures are very clear. If nations turn against the true and living God and embrace unrighteousness, they will not experience any kind of growth, not in their population, not in their influence, and certainly not in their prosperity levels.

No one has to wonder why the greatest decline in population levels in recent years has been in Europe. Nations in the European Union (EU) experienced the most significant population decline, largely due to emigration, they claim. Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Latvia are facing the possibility of over 20% reductions by 2050.

Bulgaria’s population is expected to decline by 22.5% from 6.9 million in 2020 to 5.4 million in 2050. The Lithuanian population is projected to shrink by 22.1% over the next three decades.

Last week, Portugal hit the world record as one of the countries in Europe registering higher than normal levels of mortality. That country is registering the most elevated rate of deaths since last December.

EU nations have been in a mad rush to address population decline by boosting birth rates and attracting emigrants back, as seen in countries like Portugal and Hungary. But, unless they repent and seek the face of the Almighty God, their destiny is cast in the Satanic objective of continuous decline and eventual destruction.

Canada, which has set its focus on promoting the LGBTQI agenda hand-in-hand with its neighbour, the United States, claims that it saw population growth last year owing to immigration and not births among its own citizenry. Immigrants, many of whom are only seeking a better life overseas, also moved the population needle slightly forward in the United States in 2022. This is after the US registered its lowest population growth in its history in 2021. 

It has been long established that immigration is a highly unreliable population growth mechanism, as family commitments, economic instability, and other challenges can force immigrants to pack their belongings and return to their homeland in a flash.

Countries that legalise, promote, and practice the LGBTQI lifestyle, abortion on demand, and facilitate the worship of other gods will face low birth rates. Not only is it a fact that same-sex relationships cannot produce children, it is also a spiritual fact that this reprehensible behaviour is outright rebellion against the Sovereign God, who is the giver of life. You cannot kill your unborn and still have babies.

Data available in 2023 showed that the majority of African nations have experienced significant population growth in recent years. South Sudan, Niger, Angola, Benin, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Mali, and others saw up to 4% population growth.

While the majority of these nations boast relatively large Christian populations, there is also the prevalence of the Muslim faith among residents, indicating strong resistance to the LGBTQI reprobate madness.

Nations under God’s judgement will experience population decline and severe and sustained famine when God shuts up the sky and it becomes like brass above the heads of the people. The earth will be like iron under the feet of farmers; nothing will grow in it. Floods, earthquakes, fires, and volcanic eruptions will be common occurrences in unusual places. 

In the Caribbean, Barbados Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley said that that nation has been grappling with a significant population decline, reaching what has been described as crisis levels. Barbados is facing a diminishing workforce, essential for its growth and sustainability as global challenges mount.

While Barbados prides itself on being a Christian nation, it normalised the reprobate lifestyle in 2022, when its courts decriminalised same-sex unions. Other nations in the region struggling with population decline include Antigua and St. Kitt and Nevis, which also decriminalised homosexuality and embraced unrighteousness.

Jamaica, like so many other nations, has witnessed a steady decline in its birth rate over the past few decades. 

While buggery continues to be criminalised in Jamaica, the government has hitched its wagon to the United Nations with its ungodly agenda and has gone even further to sign and seal agreements with the European Union to embrace Comprehensive Reproductive Health Education in our schools. Altars in worship of gay pride have been established in the city of Kingston, public buses have been used to promote the lifestyle, and all sorts of unrighteous projects, including the Yute Chatbot, seeking to infiltrate the minds of children have been activated.

The shedding of innocent blood and the sacrifices to the occult, along with the worship of other gods, have ignited the anger of heaven.

Spiritual laws have been broken, and the result is that Jamaica is under judgement. 

Jamaica’s main bread basket was struck during the passage of Hurricane Beryl. This is after a sustained period of drought when food prices were already sky high. The many shakings over recent years signal serious disquiet in the realm of the spirit. God is not pleased.

Nations that are plugged into the Satanic agenda, promoting filth and foolishness, will see their populations dwindle. Their wealth, resources, and influence will diminish regardless of what strategies they may choose to employ to mitigate the judgement that is sure to come. In short order, the wayward world will discover that only God gives life, determines position, and brings prosperity, not governments.
