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Commentary: God will not acquit the wicked!

When a newborn baby is cast to a cruel death from a third-floor balcony, it is pellucid that things have gone way beyond the pale. This nation has entered a new phase in the outright rejection of God.

It speaks to the magnitude of the curse which has  been unleashed on the island. Not even the defenceless are safe.

Families fight families in a nation under providential curse, lust rules relationships, and love even among kinsmen is lost. People turn against rulers and each other in tribal and civil unrest and upheavals. Abject wickedness, despotic dealings, corruption, and desperation seem boundless. Even nature conspires against cursed nations. There are shakings, debilitating levels of drought, and extreme famine, and there is abject poverty across the land. Diseases, known and unknown, will overcome the very inhabitants, regardless of age, class or gender.

A cursed nation becomes a byword to its neighbours, which take economic and territorial pot shots at it. Murder among its citizenry is rife.

There are many nations that are clearly cursed. No wonder the instructions to the disciples were to go into all nations, preaching the gospel. Some will be saved.

But the satanic invasion does not begin with nations; it starts with the individual. Its ultimate goal is to have dominion over God’s creation, if not God Himself.

Through His prophet Isaiah, God put the evil empires on notice. The world will be punished for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity. God will put an end to the pomp of the arrogant and lay low the pompous pride of the ruthless.
The heavens will tremble, and the earth will be shaken out of its place, at the wrath of the Lord of Hosts in the day of his fierce anger. Infants will be dashed in pieces, houses will be plundered, and wives ravished.

Nations are led astray, away from righteousness when leaders become pawns of the enemy.

When Samaria rebelled against God, the prophet Hosea declared that that country would bear her guilt. He prophesied that they would fall by the sword; their  babies would be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open.

Like nations, women and men who reject God will engage in unspeakable evil against each other and against their own children.  Some will be used as weapons, for batter and even for food.

When the five-month-old baby was thrown from the third story of a concrete resident in the Barrett Town community in St. James recently, it shook the nation to its core. The child, it is alleged, was used as a weapon in a war between its parents.

Only weeks before this unfortunate incident, the nation was enraged when a 30-second video clip emerged of a young woman engaged in a fight with another woman while holding a baby before seemingly throwing the child onto the paved roadway. The woman seen in the video appears to be using the child to ward off the blows being thrown at her by the other woman.
After throwing the baby onto the road, she quickly grabbed the child by its clothing with one hand, picked up an object with the other, and threw it at her opponent before the two resumed their close-quarters combat, all the time with the young child between the two of them.

Babies have been thrown out with the garbage by desperate mothers and are being murdered in the womb for various reasons.

Too often, babies conceived in unstable unions are used as bargaining tools to navigate love-starved relationships or to keep wayward men committed to women they will not marry. For too many heart-broken baby mothers, faced with signs of disintegrating relationships with their deadbeat baby-fathers, the innocent offspring is rendered useless, fit for the fire, to be flung off buildings or in garbage heaps.

There is good reason why God, by divine order provides for children to be born and raised in the context of a secure marriage union.

It is estimated that some 5.9 million children die each year, many from illnesses, but an exorbitant number were murdered. Data obtained from 44 countries suggests that 56.5 percent of children who were killed globally died at the hands of their own parents.

God’s thoughts towards children are abundantly clear. Whether or not they are born to wedded parents, anyone who hurts a child will face the divine wrath.

When people are sold out to the enemy, they will discard babies without compassion. They exist in a place of  relentless hopelessness and the fear of God means nothing to them. They are foolish and focused on their darkest desires. This is why they are given to the lust of the eyes, kill without remorse, and even engage in the occult and ungodliness with no compunction.

 Nature hates a vacuum, and when Christ is rejected, essentially, the red carpet is laid out for the entry and dominion of the enemy, whose mission is always to steal, kill and destroy.

Once entry is granted, rulership over the domain is established and the destruction begins.

Millions of individuals and nations across the globe are already and totally sold out to the enemy. Infanticide, abortion, and mass school shootings are a dime a dozen in many countries. There are mass movements, supported by big money, demanding the right to murder unborn babies.

Those who partner with the forces of darkness to pursue and harm the innocent and the righteous will not be spared. Be warned; repent. Turn away from evil. God will not acquit the wicked.

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