Commentary: Madness Of The Highest Order!

Believe it or not, for every two Jamaicans you meet on the streets or in your community, one of them is likely to be of unsound mind but has yet to be properly diagnosed. 

Frequent encounters with Jamaicans of unsound minds led the late Professor Frederick Hickling seven years ago to conclude that 41% of the population was eligible for a mental disorder diagnosis. Additionally, he noted that, perhaps, more than a third of the population suffers from one form of mental disorder or has suffered from it at some stage in their lives.

While the well-respected Professor Hickling departed this life in 2020, recent happenings on the island would suggest that he may have been extremely conservative in his well-considered analysis.

It would seem that soundness of mind, a gift from God, is not in abundance in this wretched society, which is relentlessly on its mad march to ultimate reproach. God did not give His people the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 

This is all madness! There is absolutely no other explanation why human sacrifice, barbaric beheadings of able-bodied men in the prime of their lives, brutal murder of babies, and wanton abuse of the most vulnerable at every level of a society can go on unnoticed with merely a slight flinch of a reaction.

We are at the tipping point and falling fast. What on earth have we become? The most reprehensible happens, but we keep moving right along, not only unmoved and unbothered, but becoming even more desensitised and nonchalant as the episodes worsen before our very eyes by the minute.

Recently, a most grotesque video was being circulated on social media, detailing a most gruesome scene of two men being beheaded in an innercity community. Very few people can watch the full recording of the gruesome and stomach-curling acts. Yet, other men were seen celebrating and making fun around the severed heads with no remorse.

When the five-month-old baby was thrown from the third story of a concrete resident in the Barrett Town community in St. James, it shook the nation to its core, but only for a few days, then things returned to normal.

The nation was enraged for another day or two when a 30-second video clip emerged of a young woman engaged in a fight with another woman while holding a baby before seemingly throwing the child onto the paved roadway. 

Babies have been thrown out with the garbage by desperate mothers and are being murdered in the womb for various reasons.

The murder of children is particularly reprehensible.

It speaks to a level of madness and utter savagery that is beyond animalistic, because even the beasts living in the wild protect their young.

The beheadings, murder of our children, blood sacrifices, and rise of the reprobate lifestyle should be of concern to every Jamaican. In 2021, we got real evidence of murder in the form of human sacrifice. We have long heard of this happening in Jamaica and other parts of the world. But we were to witness this in Jamaica, bringing another horrible layer to the evil that plagues our nation and the world.

When men and women arrive at the place where the heartless decapitation of others becomes ordinary, where the wanton shedding of blood becomes acceptable and something to be recorded and posted for social media likes, we are beyond Sodom. We are a failed and fallen nation.

These occurrences signal the deep, dark indulgence in demonism and the occult. They mark a level of rebellion and the worship of other gods that will only end in the worst kind of judgment known or unknown to man. 

Many of our people are locked into a centuries-old season of pain and curses that have been dogging families for generations. Millions of fathers and brothers, mothers and sisters, through the slavery experience, directly or indirectly, have been taught to reject their God, His written instructions, and to devalue themselves even as human beings. Men have learnt to see themselves as studs, fit only to impregnate women—as many as possible—and abandon families and their children. They reject women as wives and see them only as chattels to be used and discarded on a whim.

Too many women carry the scars of rejection and abuse, silently hoping that their children, conceived in lust, born in sin, and shaped in iniquity, will escape the legacy of wickedness from which generations before them have not been extricated.

We are not surprised that one popular talk show host and blogger recently questioned the authenticity of the Scriptures and the claims of Jesus Christ to be the Son of God. The aim of this foolish fellow, who is widely adored and followed on social media by thousands, young people especially, was to make a mockery of the church while promoting and projecting the continued rebellion of the people. He is not alone.

Sound minds come from God. So when men rebel against God and refuse to repent, the prevalence of unsound minds is certain. The enemy encourages this rebellion because he revels in the dominion of unsound minds. 

The Old Testament is littered with tales of God raining judgment on nations that catered to and embraced appalling numbers of unsound minds, earned through the rejection of righteousness. Know this: the God of yesterday is still the same today and will continue to be the same tomorrow.

Jamaica is in the direct line of fire, and it will be terrible with unimaginable intensity. The entire body politics of Jamaica appear to be operating with reckless madness, deeply rooted in the seedy underworld and its occult underpinnings. 

Men and women of unsound minds, because of their unrighteousness, really do not have any business being at the helm of any government, public organisation, or church.

We are at war. It is spiritual warfare because the ‘wrestle’ is against spiritualities and principalities in high and diverse places, not against flesh and blood.

It is a fight between righteousness and the forces of darkness. Jamaica must choose. Victory is already won for the righteous, but those who are determined to stay in a place of rebellion will continue to hug up the madness and head to eternal damnation, dragging those of like minds with them.

The cure is still repentance, seeking God’s face, praying, and turning away from wickedness. God is faithful, and He will forgive and heal as only He can.

May God help us!
