Commentary: Mammon, medicine, and the madness!

When coronavirus was weaponised in 2019, the world was frantic and adamant in its urgent demand for a cure. The voice of God was ridiculed or shut down as the majority of humanity cowered in fear and rushed to roll up their sleeves to be inoculated with vaccines promising much more than they could deliver.

The authors and finishers of the plandemic were well ahead of the game. Three years ahead of the plandemic, the vaccines were being developed and readied for rollout so pharmaceutical giants could gobble up billions in profits from terrified governments and their petrified populations.

Patent applications for COVID-19 vaccines were filed on 25 October 2016 (US2020061185A1 and family members). The patent family members broadened the filing to include MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV spike protein mutants, as well as spike mutants of quite a few other Coronaviridae.

It is a well-known fact that scientists study diseases, make predictions about their evolution, and experiment with potential cures. This has been going on for centuries. There are fixated searches for cures for cancer, HIV, diabetes, and others. No one can be sure whether or not cures have been developed and are yet to enter the market. However, uncured diseases are gifts that keep on giving. Trillions of dollars are made annually by pharmaceutical conglomerates that produce a barrage of treatments for disease symptoms but never a cure. Know this: the mad money behind the ongoing search for cures is minuscule in comparison to the wagga-wagga wealth earned from developing and distributing treatments to control symptoms.

While these cureless diseases ravage large segments of populations, at no time have scientists or medical practitioners signalled that research should end and recommendations made for the deadly diseases to be accepted as normal and be welcomed or even desired by the masses.

Scientists have invested their expertise, time, and other people’s money in developing treatments for depressive illnesses of various sorts. But gender dysphoria, which has deleterious medical, psychological, and spiritual implications, is a different pill to swallow. Persons suffering from gender dysphoria may believe that they are in the wrong body, born to the wrong family, or of the wrong mind. This disease continues to shred families and sectors across the globe. The music industry, big business, politics, communities, and even the sporting fraternity have been severely impacted by this disorder.

Last week, at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, a man, who was pretending to be a woman, entered the boxing ring with a woman and nearly beat her to a pulp.

The Italian boxer Angela Carini broke down in tears after she had to abandon her bout against the Algerian Imane Khelif after 46 seconds in a fight that sparked huge controversy. Khelif is one of two boxers permitted to fight at the Olympics despite being disqualified from the women’s world championships last year for failing gender eligibility tests.

There have been too many cases in the United States where men who are under the deception that they are women have been placed in female prisons when they run afoul of the law and have impregnated women inmates.

Eyes that are spiritually opened can see that gender dysphoria is rebellion against God and a belief that the impeccable God is capable of making mistakes. Those who suffer from this disease believe that God caused them to be born in the wrong body and gave them sexual affection for their own kind. They do not see their desires as sinful but as the fault of the faultless God.

Mammon in medical research is hard to resist, and too many scientists have been lured away from finding cures and have dove deep into the very lucrative gender transformation sector, developing hormone therapy treatments, medicine to aid sex-change procedures, and puberty blockers, which children are encouraged to swallow without the knowledge or approval of their parents.

Mammon is behind the reclassification of the disease formerly known as gender dysphoria. Many nations, on the promise of budgetary support and other funding programmes from the wicked, have changed laws to make the disorder an acceptable and legal lifestyle option.

Big money rebranded and marketed the disorder into an oppressed community of victims, fighting for the right to be reprobates and to practise every kind of perversion under the sun, including lesbianism, bisexuality, transgenderism, bestiality, and homosexuality.

No one was surprised in 1973, when the American Psychiatric Association (APA), largely under the auspices of the cash-rich homosexual community and their pharmaceutical friends, removed the diagnosis of gender dysphoria from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM).

Some 40 years later, other scientists, boarding the money train, moved to replace the previous diagnostic label of gender identity disorder (GID) in 2013 with the release of the diagnostic manual DSM-5. The condition was renamed ‘gender incongruence’ to remove the stigma associated with the term disorder.

In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed “gender identity disorder” from its global manual of diagnoses, giving a victory to reprobates who believed in a right to remain unrighteous.

Soon after the renaming was announced, the WHO further moved a resolution to amend global health guidelines, and it was officially approved. The United Nations’ health agency happily released a revised version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) that reclassified “gender identity disorder” as “gender incongruence,” which is now featured under the sexual health chapter rather than the mental disorders chapter.

With deep pockets and walking hand-in-hand, the United Nations and the WHO pushed governments to swiftly reform their medical systems and laws to normalise this disorder and its various offshoots into acceptable and tolerable behaviour. The international bodies urged, coerced, prompted, and paid nations to comply with the move to give persons suffering from the disorder a bill of health even as they continue to display the abnormality.

Having abandoned the search for a cure for this disease, sex-change surgeries are popularised, same-sex and other dysfunctional arrangements are legalised, and the work is now on in earnest to infiltrate resistant religions and the minds of children. Global platforms like the Olympics, the World Championship, the Grammy Awards, the opening of the world’s longest tunnel in Switzerland, the Super Bowl, and other significant events are exploited to mainstream the reprobates, their lifestyles, and the Satanic agenda.

Those who turn a blind eye to this wickedness and lend categorical or tacit support to the rebellion against righteousness are Satanists, regardless of their standing in global agencies, governments, industries, or families. They are in partnership with the devil on his hell-bound mission for the sake of their pockets. They don’t remember the Sovereign God owns all the wealth in the universe. But the wages of sin is still death and God, who does not owe a debt, will pay them in full.

Nadine Harris: