“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” (Edmund Burke, Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents, 1770)
This thought is as true today as it was in 1770. Maybe more urgent, too.
To make an impact at any level, we need not only the resources and know-how but also the courage to execute when we know what must be done. Many a great thing lay buried in the rubble of inactivity.
I believe that one of the greatest hindrances to consistent progress is our inability to push beyond the limitations and dictates of our contemporaries. It takes courage to not only stand, but sometimes to stand alone and speak the truth. Be assured, a Godly stance is never without God.
So, while no one else may be physically standing with us, the entire host of heaven does, and we need to know that, even if we aren’t the bravest or wisest. Ask Gideon.
“But Lord,” Gideon replied, “How can I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least in my entire family!” Judges 6:15 (NLT)
In today’s world, we hear catchphrases like ‘own your truth’ and ‘it’s her/his/their truth.’ Or, we are encouraged to ‘own your story.’
These expressions are used to make a point on a personal level, and they have their place and relevance if balanced correctly. However, anecdotal truth is never meant to replace or remove the principle of established truths. The fact that an apple has a worm in it does not make all apples rotten. The one with the worm forms a personal experience with those who might have inadvertently sampled it, but it certainly does not mean that apples are now bad fruits. Or worse, no longer fruits at all.
My concern is that this type of thinking has taken on a life of its own and become so prevalent that it threatens to make irrelevant the established bodies of truth in particular disciplines and replace them.
Anecdotal truth is sometimes transient. Like a fad or fashion, it is, and then not. In it, self is usually lifted and elevated as the conqueror and deserving of recognition. The desire to be liked, friended, tagged, respected, and shared is often our own insecurities masquerading as something else. When, if we are honest with ourselves, we can make our own experience more meaningful and truly impactful for ourselves and others.
Godly truths are universal. When acted on, they set the atmosphere for positive, meaningful change. Change itself is a process and requires deliberate actions; actions require courage, and courage requires will.
I encourage you to read your Bible, for therein you will find truth that can never change and the courage to defend it even in the heat of the fire.
This article was written in April 2024. Orville Binns is a minister of religion in Montego Bay, Jamaica.