Courting disaster! Government’s dangerous dance with the devil

 By Jenni Campbell


Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs Marlene Malahoo- Forte rose to speak in Gordon House last week. As she stood, it became clear that she had taken a position that was head and shoulders above her far less impressive parliamentary colleagues.

In her usual eloquent style, she demonstrated before all and sundry that she is made of laudable, stern, and morally fortified stuff, which was not always visible to the undiscerning eye.

 As the minister spoke, her colleagues on both sides of the aisle shrank in size and presence.

 With fine courtroom allure, poised with well-rehearsed passion, Minister Malahoo-Forte pontificated that the government, of which she is a part, will not remove the savings clause that protects the laws against buggery and that abortion will not be legalised in Jamaica if she has her way. Argument done—so it would appear, except for the squealing from the agents of hell and the deafening silence from other quarters in the House of Representatives.

 Many who support the murder of babies readily jumped on social media to castigate the minister for not endorsing their blood-lust.

They made heavy weather of her personal testimony—her mother’s decision not to abort her pregnancy at various points during gestation on the recommendation of several people, including her doctor.

Standing for Righteousness

Personal testimonies can either convict or free an accused person. In the case of Minister Malahoo-Forte, who is a learned attorney, her testimony is being used by her accusers to diminish her very pertinent step in the right direction.

This is not strange; anyone who chooses to stand for righteousness angers the accuser of the brethren and automatically faces his wrath.

But this wrath really does not amount to more than the whimpering roar of an ornamental lion.

Minister Malahoo-Forte has stepped in the right direction, in spite of her government’s continued blistering rush along the path to ultimate destruction.

It hardly makes sense to make one step forward, while boldly taking ten giant steps backwards.

The minister’s declarations are significant,  even though they were premised on the Government’s desire not to be on a collision course with the church or well-thinking members of the Jamaican society.

Such a collision, in the minds of astute politicians, spells woeful loss of votes.

Votes Matter

With local government elections long overdue and a general election just about two years down the road, for both the government and opposition, votes matter.

With the church representing some 85 per cent of the population, according to the 2011 census, the body wields King-sized power and influence.

So, to dodge a direct collision with the church is a strategic and calculated dandy-shandy game that this government, with less than 37 percent of voter support, is playing.

The concerns of the church must be put at ease, as Minister Malahoo- Forte posited,  before we move forward with other matters.

What this much- compromised government needs to understand is that the Church is the representative of God in the land, hence the collision course that needs to be avoided is really the one with God.

And although He may appear to have only one vote, His lot in any and all elections, is sure and constitutes  the overwhelming majority.

God’s  recommendation to avoid such a collision and its consequences are aptly laid out in Deuteronomy 28.

But, he does not leave Jamaica, that has gone terribly off course with no way out.

To avoid the impending disaster, Jamaica must pull this runaway train to a halt and turn it around immediately.

Repent and Pray

The rescue plan is well-layed out in 2 Chronicles. The way to do this is through  repentance, turning away from wickedness, praying and seeking God’s face.

There have been many calls for the nation to relent and observe three consecutive days of repentance and prayer. These calls have fallen on deaf ears.

The calls sound like foolishness to those who are spiritually blind, deaf and dumb.

This stiff-necked, hard-earring, hard-hearted government is puffed-up on its own ignorance. It is blinkered and determined to remain on a destructive path ladened with frequently-expressed desires for prosperity,  by any means necessary, easily influenced by the promise of money and commanded by other nations with deep pockets.

Let it be known that money is no match for God, who owns all the wealth in the world and the world itself. The very thought of colliding with Him, who made and owns the heavens and the earth, should bring any government to its knees. Especially one bereft of trust and with very little support from its own constituents.

This government may foolishly think that publicly stepping back from the push toward legalising buggery and any inclination to make abortions legally available to the ungodly, may appease the church, while they continue to engage in and encourage corruption, turn a blind eye to other forms of sinfulness, condone gangerism, ignore the plight of the poor and suffering and lavish themselves with the wealth of the land.

The continued indulgence in unrighteousness  comes with an extraordinary high price and terribly serious consequences.   Untold measures of curse can be unleashed on the land suddenly and with frightful intensity.

If the government continues to push towards a fully digital economy, which the majority interprets as a cashless society; legalising of witchcraft aka obeah; being involved in secret societies; making ungodly deals that push the poorest from lands they have occupied from birth and be party to the deliberate breakdown of families; they have placed Jamaica directly in the line of collision with God and His certain judgement.

It is time for all Jamaicans to wake up and take heed before it is too late.

Eloquent pronouncements and pretty painted promises cannot save us.

Nadine Harris: