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D.A.D. Graced by Abba Father

A child who has the privilege of knowing their father, should never take it for granted. 

It is sad to say, but many people are without a father-figure in their lives, and, depending on their socio-economic support system, the impact of a fatherless home can give rise to a dysfunctional generation. We need our fathers.

Every child has the right to be protected and comfortably provided for, and when we think of orphans, one core objective of any orphanage is to dismantle the orphan-spirit and provide a solid parental covering for children who are deprived of being owned or cared for within traditional family settings. We need our fathers.

The same principle is true within the ambits of Kingdom operation. Thankfully, there are no “adults of God” ever mentioned in scripture. So, there is no reason for independence; our heavenly Father is our covering and is

a faithful Father Who is committed and extremely competent to care for His own children. Receive the love of the heavenly Father today.

As children, we are taught the “Our Father” prayer from a tender age, especially in our Caribbean culture. Whether or not our earthly daddy is missing, malpracticing, or excelling in his role, Jamaican children are introduced to the concept of the relevance of paternal authority. However, we face a conundrum when what we see as a father figure with our natural eyes is a poor representation of what a father should be. Because of this, we find that many struggle with accepting and allowing the love of our perfect and faithful Father above to minister to us.

The truth is that many Christians will say “yes” to the Lordship of Jesus to secure their salvation but still struggle with trusting Abba Father in their faith walk.


In order to connect with the divine council and to benefit from the “thy kingdom come” blessings, one must encounter “Abba Father.”

The term “Abba” holds deep significance in understanding how God relates to people. Abba, as an Aramaic word by origin, expresses an intimate relationship with God, as opposed to a distant and formal one.

To call on “Abba Father” indicates:

  1. Humility (engaging with a posture of obedience)
  2. Submission (willing to comply under Sovereign rule).
  3. To call on “Abba Father” is to acknowledge our heavenly Father as the chief source of all resources.


In this season, as we acknowledge our earthly fathers and shower them with gifts and praise, let us explore the dad that is graced by Abba.

Biology supports that a male is blessed with sperm, which qualifies him to be a potential father, but it takes a special grace for this same male to become a D.A.D.

This D.A.D. will never be tested positive for “Dad Not Available” in a DNA lab.

This D.A.D. will never be accused of infidelity or abuse.

This D.A.D. will never see himself as wise in his own eyes.


This D.A.D. depends on Abba Father to teach him how to lead his family to victory.

This D.A.D. gives to his children from a heart of unwavering love.

This D.A.D. is Dignified—a father who is worthy of respect inside and outside his home. His character is noted, and he is called blessed at the city gates. This is a father who is husband to a virtuous woman and a man who lives in the fear of the Lord.

This D.A.D. is Anointed—a father who is consecrated for this distinguished role of priest, prophet, provider, and protector over his children. This mantle of fatherhood is awarded through intimate times upon the altar of grace. He is an anointed father who stands tall on his knees in prayer over his entire family.

This D.A.D. is Dedicated—a father who is devoted to the task of rearing his children in the fear and admonition of Abba Father. A father who leads by example through a transparent view of a life committed to the ways of the Lord. This father understands that his life mission is to do the will of Abba in and for his family, to the glory of God.

Undoubtedly, good fathers make good sons that build strong families.

But a dad graced by “Abba Father” leads an entire generation through a legacy of faith to be surrendered to God, our Father. This is a quality after which every father should strive.


Scripture declares that “all good and perfect gifts come from the Father above.”

James 1:17. 

May every dad accept the gift of grace from Abba in this season for rich empowerment to father well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Happy Father’s Day, Gentlemen!!!


Simone T. Matheson describes her 30-year walk with the Lord as a faith-building journey. Raised in church, she drifted onto a backslidden path, but her ABBA Father drew her back to Him and today, she is steadfast in service at her local church in Montego Bay, Ja. A ‘numbers’ person by training, Simone is also a writer and dramatist. 

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