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Devotional: Let God arise

Psalm 68:1, “Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered.  Let them also that hate him free before him.”

Let God arise in our lives and the enemies will be scattered. This is a battle cry and we are in a warfare. If you do not believe you are in warfare, you are deceiving yourself.  When youlet God arise, nothing can stand in His way.  Even when you cannot see Him, He is still working. He has brought goodness and victory with Him, and darkness can only scatter because the LORD is showing up. God wants to arise in our lives to put an end to our pain and disappointments, but you have a role to play in your turnaround. 

Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things.” You must cry out to God and ask for your turnaround.  When you allow God to arise in your life, He will bring you a new season of favour, increase, and overflow; and, He will scatter the enemies that have come against you. 

Read Numbers 10:35 how Daniel proclaimed the triumph of God over all his enemies.  When God goes forth, no opponent can stand against Him; they are all scattered.  None dare to oppose Him. 

If you are set in Jesus, your enemies will scatter before you.  Be encouraged. Speak to yourself: Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou [GOD] wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right  hand shall save me.” Psalm 138:7


Gracious God and our Father, I give You thanks for empowering and strengthening me to stand against my enemies.  I thank you for standing with me to scatter my enemies as far as the east is from the west. I pray for your continuous protection over me as I continue to serve you wholeheartedly in spirit and in truth.


Trained in deliverance and intercession ministries, Pastor Michael Vassel has been saved for 33 years and is a law-enforcement officer in Jamaica.

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