Devotional: Safely store your treasure

Matthew 6:19-21 reminds us not to store up for ourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but instead, we should store all our treasures in heaven, where they cannot be stolen or destroyed. 


Treasure has nothing to do with whether we have much or whether we have little. It has nothing to do with if we have goods or money, fame, beauty, houses, a career, a big expensive car, a big bank account, or an illustrious position in life. It is whether we have become so attached to our possessions, including our spiritual giftings, that we prefer them more than God and worship them instead of Him. It is a choice between the two because the only possession that is allowed to rule your heart and life is God.

We are entreated in all things to have our hearts set upon Him. We are implored to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, for if we do, all the things we need shall be added unto us. We can choose the good or we can choose the evil. But we cannot and will never have both. We cannot serve God and man.

How important is singleness of vision and an undivided heart in this time of world crisis?  “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” Matthew 16:25

So, live a life that is pleasing to God and store your treasures in heaven.


Lord, I thank You for Your many blessings. I thank You for choosing us to be here another day. I pray that we will not become preoccupied with seeking the things of this world more than we would pursue heavenly things. Help us to store up our treasures in heaven rather than here on earth, and help us to remember that what we do for You is what will matter in eternity. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Your Only Begotten Son. Amen.

Trained in deliverance and intercessory ministries, Pastor Michael Vassell has been saved for 33 years and is a law-enforcement officer in Jamaica.
