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Don’t be afraid of the dark

So many are terrified of the dark. I do not speak of the mere absence of physical light. Rather, it is a metaphor for difficulties or trials. In some instances, it is the direct works of Satan magnified by a mind void of the light of life—Jesus Christ. Thankfully, the darkest moments in our lives can be the very place where we experience God’s grace the most.

In His wisdom, God allows us to experience the dark so that our hearts can get to a place of true humility. Humility is the impetus for receiving His grace. King David left us a needful tip in Psalm 121, paraphrased: When in the valley, cry out to God, receive His comforting assurance, rest in confident knowledge of His power, and watch for His deliverance.  

The Lord graciously brought me and my family through a very dark time. I had just completed high school, yet I felt tired as I could not afford tertiary studies or get a job. For a short period, I happily volunteered to tutor GSAT students in mathematics at the preparatory school I once attended. That period ended, however, and so I spent many monotonous days at home. 


In the midst of this, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It wasn’t long after this revelation that her faith seemed to take a sudden plunge. Picture a smooth flowing river that abruptly morphs into a frighteningly furious waterfall without warning. She was caving in to the cascade of numerous doctor visits, hopeless reports, multiple painful chemotherapy sessions, loss of sleep as she cried at night, etc. Fear was like a python, tightening its grip on her heart before devouring it whole. In hindsight, we saw that was the intent of the enemy, but (of course) God! 

As a family, we huddled to lend her physical, emotional, and spiritual support as best as we could. Oftentimes, I would accompany her to clinic/hospital visits, where I witnessed the struggles of many other souls afflicted by various ailments and demonic oppression. I’ll admit that I also began to feel helpless, hopeless, and I questioned myself and even God.

“What can I do for these people?”

“God, why don’t you give me some of your healing power to lay hands and heal them?” This mind blinded me from seeing the real work God desired to do in and through me. When we don’t see situations from God’s perspective, we experience another type of darkness called pride. We directly or indirectly accuse God of not doing what we think is best. 

Thankfully, He began opening my eyes, particularly during a fast one day while with mom at the hospital. He led me into a time of true intercession for her and the many souls we encountered there. More than physical healing, they needed spiritual healing. As I consistently meditated on His word and prayed accordingly, I was blessed to see all the more from His perspective. This filled me with His unshakable peace. 

The comfort I received from God made me of greater help to mom. Our conversations became predominantly about the hope and power in believing God’s Word. As we did, fear lost its grip. The faith of Jesus Christ rose up in us, and we realised the truth that as we are in Him (having received His salvation and are walking in fellowship with Him), death has no sting (1 Corinthians 15:55).


Grab hold of this nugget that I unearthed from this dark season:

Beware; the spirit of fear is more contagious than the common cold and deadlier than cancer. It is not from God and therefore must be rejected (2 Timothy 1:7). 

Youths, I encourage you to put your faith in God, regardless of how dark the season appears to be. Let Him do the battle. His track record resonates through time and eternity as undefeated. Your part in His battle plan is to seek Him wholeheartedly and obey His instructions. 

If you are not saved, His ultimate desire is to give you His Spirit so that you may be delivered from the enslavement of sin (which feeds the existence of the fear of death). Unless you have this freedom, your conscience naturally anticipates relentless darkness, judgement, and eternal separation from God. This is because it knows you have not been living a pleasing life to God. 

If you are saved, God’s love would have already cast out that fear as it filled your heart at salvation. Don’t look back! As you fellowship with God through Jesus Christ, His light shines from within you, and it cannot be overcome. Trials will refine your faith, training you to walk consistently in Christ’s character and draw others to Him as you manifest the kingdom of God on earth. So, when it gets dark, arise and shine! 

Darien Callum is a member of Passion and Purity, a school-based Christian ministry. Contact Passion and Purity at [email protected]

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