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Earthquakes and signs from Heaven

On Friday, August 16, 2024, while Jamaica was being shaken by a 5.3 magnitude earthquake at 8:01 a.m., Apostle Jeffrey Shuttleworth was praying on “Morning Joy – Conversations” programme (The Breath of Change, TBC radio station).

The prayer, which followed the reading of Psalms 23 and 68, seemed to be an extemporaneous (impromptu) moment—unplanned by man but carefully orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.


Re-listening to the programme later that day on TBC’s Facebook page, I marvelled yet again at the deliberate nature of God, for the earthquake struck just as the prayer was ending on a high praise note.

“…We decree and declare healing to everyone who is sick right now, in the mighty Name of Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and we decree and declare hope is being invoked upon those who are hopeless.

I decree and declare that Psalm 23 – every line, every word, every verse; Psalm 68 – every line, every letter, every word, every verse shall now be manifestly experienced by all and sundry who are identifying with this prayer and with this righteous altar. 

We thank You, LORD, that today IS a blessed day and the BEST day…” (His emphasis). 

The apostle paused,and in that split moment the studio began shaking.You can view the programme at

Without so much as a head movement, his eyes flew open and wedged shut again: “Hallelujah! Hallelujah! And even as You shake this nation, as You shake Jamaica, we decree and declare, in the name of Jesus, that every evil altar be shattered right now and destroyed.” 

Buoyed by the astounding move of God and recognising that this was a prophetic moment, he had snapped into battle mode: surgically cancelling and aborting, in Jesus’ name, the NIDS; cashlessness; the new Data Protection Act; constitutional reform; republican status for Jamaica; and replacement of the Privy Council with the Caribbean Court of Justice at this time. 


Within two minutes of the quake ending, persons began logging on WhatsApp their experience.

[16/08/2024 08:03] J.C: What a shake

[16/08/2024 08:03] K.H: Who felt that earthquake? Strong strong

[16/08/2024 08:04] J.C: And again He has dealt with us in His mercy. God is speaking. Jamaica REPENT!!

[16/08/2024 08:04] (876) DonP: I’m in Portmore and saw the houses moving

[16/08/2024 08:04] (876) 429: Earthquake! Earthquake again! JESUS!!!!

[16/08/2024 08:11] O.J.: Others to come!!!! In the middle of the prayer!!! Jesusssss…

[16/08/2024 9:01] M: Not me…was walking and praying

[16/08/2024 9:45] Maxine P: I was at the bus stop handing out some tracts this morning when the earthquake happened. I hope it will be a confirmation and bring conviction to those who received them. 

Richard Thompson, acting Director Generalof ODPEM (Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management), said on the local evening news that the earthquake was felt right across the island. He explained that Jamaica had been having constant tremors, in excess of 200 each year, but not all are felt. However, there had been “10 felt ones since the year started…and a big one can happen at any time.”

It seems many Jamaicans are now believing the prophetic word that the LORD has been releasing to various persons (both local and overseas) over at least the past four years; that is, that Jamaica is in for a big shake. 


But we are not surprised that God showed up like that on Friday, August 16 at 8:01 a.m. with a 5.3 magnitude earthquake, while His servant was speaking to Him.

He also moved extraordinarily on the first day of this eighth month in 2024. Have you noticed all the different permutations of 8 so far? (Remember that 8 also means new beginnings.)

During the inaugural Emancipation lecture that was held on August 1 at the Tarrant Baptist Church (pastored by Apostle Jeffrey Shuttleworth), there were three huge rolls of thunder at key points of the presentation that was entitled “Signs of the End Times.” 

One was right at the beginning, just as he called for a minute of silence in honour of Apostle Steve Lyston, co-founder of Freedom Come Rain newspaper. That was when the rain noticeably started, too, reminiscent of how it had rained as well at Apostle’ Lyston’s funeral overseas. Attendees said it was a most mysterious occurrence because some people, like Apostle Shuttleworth, did not get wet although they were under an umbrella!

The second thunder boomed when he ended the presentation with the reminder that God, through His Word, exhorts us not to be afraid, inspite of the tremendous persecution that is to come to the church in the end times: “Lo, I am with you even to the end of the Age,” Matt. 28:20.

And the third reverberated when he told the audience that he could do more discussions on signs of the end times, but he is instructed by Team Rain, under God Almighty. At the utterance of the words “God Almighty,” there was the largest crack of thunder ever, and I thought, “Surely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have spoken!”


LORD, Your Word says that You do nothing in the earth realm, without first revealing it to Your prophets (Amos 3:7). You have warned Jamaica time and again, through Your sons and daughters in divers places, that You’re not happy with the state of affairs in this small island. We have abandoned the Old Landmark and You will discipline us, as a father who loves his child will to ensure that child’s future is not aborted. 

We place this country, Jamaica, Your diadem, before You, O God, and we pray that our people would get back to sowing seeds of righteousness in You; for only so will we have eternal life with You, and “wisdom, justice, and truth forever.”

In Your only begotten Son’s name we pray, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

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