Eating ourselves to an early grave but a new start is possible

Readers, do you remember the interview of Dr. Debra Williams, naturopathic doctor on TBC radio’s Conversations programme, in August of 2022?  Shortly after that discussion in which Apostle Lyston encouraged her to consider offering consultations without charge, the LORD sent an acquaintance to confirm the word with a very direct message.  This led to her issuing a public statement on her Youtube channel, informing viewers that she was dropping charges for consultations. The immediate result? Her phone line was flooded with calls for appointments from listeners to the programme, and to date, the deluge has not waned. 

This week we continue her testimony as she shares some statistics on the ill-health of Jamaicans and recommendations for the healing of the nation. 


Prior to August 26, 2022, when I stopped charging for consultations in my office, I used to get like 8 patients, 9 patients per month who were paying $8500 each, never enough to meet my office expenses.  When God told me to stop charging, the numbers of persons coming to see me surged, and we were able to start treating persons who needed our help but were being impeded from doing so because they could not afford us.  I realised that all along, my background in finance and banking was getting in the way of Jesus’ ministry.  When I stepped back in line with Him, He re-ordered my business, and by October, I was able to pay all my bills, every one except the government tax.  I believe in paying taxes so that will be done.


Let’s examine this matter of health, which the world defines as physical and mental freedom from disease, pain, and defects. Jamaica is classified as a Christian country, and statistics show that over 70% of Jamaicans classify themselves as Christians. The Word of God says, “I pray that you prosper and be in good health even as thy soul shall prosper.”  We have to remember that God is the best doctor and prayer is the best medicine. 

Our God made it very clear in Exodus 15:26, “If thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God and will do that which is right in his sight and will give ear to his Commandments and keep all his statutes I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I have brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the Lord that healeth thee.” The Word of God gives us full authority and power over sickness and disease.  We have got to re-structure our approach and focus on reformation. 

As I work with many who say that they are Christians, I am asking God to educate us on how to take care of our bodies. In a Jamaica Gleaner article dated January 2018, it was reported that “Jamaicans are digging their graves with knives and forks – many are eating themselves to an early death. Sixty-seven percent of deaths in the country are linked to a poor diet.” These deaths were mainly from from heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes.

In 2020, we had 4556 Jamaicans who died from cancer, and the “newly diagnosed” cancer cases were 7197.  For our men, the leading cancer was prostate cancer; and for the woman, it was breast cancer. 

We have a serious epidemic in Jamaica, called “cancer” and it is being fuelled by how we are eating, drinking, dressing, living with stress, and how we’re dealing with our relationship with God or the lack thereof. 

I gave myself cancer with all the garbage food I used to eat, the excessive work in the bank at nighttime, not getting enough sleep, but I came to my senses. At the end of this article, you’ll be told how you can learn more about my story.


I am calling on the 3 million Jamaicans in the Diaspora and the 3 million at home: we have to take control of our kitchens; get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily; intake clean natural water, spring water throughout the day is important; sunlight on the skin is critical so you can get your vitamin D3 without which you cannot absorb calcium; no calcium absorption, you’re going to have more disease,  tooth disease, and increased inability to properly break down your protein. Then you will get sick; cancer and high blood pressure and so on will find you.  

Let us return to consuming more whole foods and vegetable-based dishes. Use up your roast bread fruit, yam, sweet potato, coco, dasheen, pumpkin, green banana, broccoli, cauliflower.  Drink vegetable soup with peas and eat healthy yeast-free flatbreads. Make green smoothies and fruit smoothies; porridges using cornmeal, oats, or plantains.  Avoid sugar by substituting other natural sweeteners and add your freshly made coconut milk which is high in iron, fibre, and zinc. Learn how to make peas and bean burgers; prepare season rice with lentils; bake some healthy cookies using oats and banana and coconuts; and fruit and nut cake using natural ingredients. Use ceramic, stainless or porcelain pots, and avoid non-stick Teflon cookware because they are dangerous and unhealthy for the body.  


Are you interested in making a NEWSTART? Consider God’s laws of health which were clearly outlined in Creation week:

Nutrition (Genesis 1:29), Exercise (Genesis 2:15), Water (Genesis 2:10);

Sunshine (Genesis 1:16-18), Temperance (Genesis 2:16-17), Air (Genesis 1: 6-7), Rest (Genesis 2:1-3), Trust in God (Genesis 2:17) vs (Genesis 3:4) – Adam and Eve failed this test.

To learn more, see Dr. Debra Williams’ story in her new book now available in Jamaica and online at, When Faith in God is Bigger than the Fear of Cancer. Contact her at Life, Health & Foods Wellness Centre – Shop 7, 4 Springvale Ave., Kgn 10. Tel. 876-878-8867/876-326-4650, email:, website –

Nadine Harris: