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Enslavement of the masses

Satan is using his operatives at the highest levels. They are those in whom the society puts great trust and confidence because of their profile. In many instances, they are known to be well accomplished and successful. They are well studied and academically qualified, so they are well presented to the people. They are known as persons who are knowledgeable, persons who are experts. They are seen as influential, powerful and persons who we should look to because they are presented as being credible as well. They are found in all seven pillars of the nation. They may be presented as having a family, and they are excellent global leaders, national leaders and regional leaders and they have done a lot of  good deeds. However, many of these persons do not believe in the true and living God. If they are not serving the true God, then their credibility goes out the window. Truth in whatever form it is presented, is always consistent, with the precepts, and statutes of God which are clearly outlined in the Bible. The ethos of God can be seen in the created order, and if your eyes are opened, you will see that truth is consistent with righteousness.

As we look at the matter of food, there will be no reason for us to go the synthetic or man made route. That became seemingly necessary, because we have decided that we are more brilliant than God and Satan is the one who would have convinced many to say that we are more brilliant than God. God has made the ripe banana,  but let us see how we can make a better version of the banana; the kind of banana that will not rot quickly. However, a fruit shelf life is normally short, because it’s a cycle, there are organisms that are part of that cycle, which also must survive. God has designed the created order in such a way that it can take care of itself and it can replenish itself. That is why he has set a time-frame on everything.

The general theme of the United Nations General Assembly is very deceptive. When you look at it, it sounds good, “leaving no one behind, acting together for the advancement of peace. Sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations.” This sounds nice, but the system they are putting in place is to disenfranchise and enslave the masses while advancing the agenda of the minority. There can be no peace without righteousness and there can be no righteousness without God in Christ, by and through His Holy Spirit. They are now grouping different faith based communities. They are seeking to cultivate a world where all the different religions come together under one umbrella, because they are saying it is the same God.   It is happening already where you have to read the prayer and deliver a sermon from an approved script. They have to vet it. This shall not be the portion of Jamaica as long as the remnant continues to stand.

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