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Faith and logic can never be friends

In a powerful testimony shared on TikTok, ‘Christina’ warned believers to avoid using ‘logics’ over ‘faith’ as she highlighted that the two can never walk together. Pointing out that the two will forever remain enemies, she shared that many are blocking their own blessings by using logic when they should be exercising faith.

This revelation came about for her after being “boxed dung” with a warning.

“Him sey yuh keep on a look at other people’s blessings; you nah nurture your gift, so you can get to do what I need you to do, fi yuh family, fi yuh friends, so you can motivate others to try da route yah,” she shared.

Prior to sharing her experience with the Holy Spirit, Christina gave a prelude to how she came by her gift, which is hairdressing and making clothes.

“I had a friend, and when I meet har she a tell me bout fi har ‘come up’ and mi a tell har bout fi mi come up. And when mi meet har, mi coulda do hair. Mi never really treasure the gift, regardless of the fact sey a mi ask God fah,” she said.

She recalled how the young lady shared her experiences leading up to her acquiring eight CSECS (Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificates). She told her after she got baptised in an Adventist church, her family turned their backs on her, leaving her to fend for herself and make her way through high school.

“When she a tell me how she go through and get har CXCs, I wanted the CXCs, tuh.  Still a ignore the gift whey the Almighty give me,” she shared, going on to explain how she got the gift.

She said her mother used to comb her short hair, and the plaits were not attractive. Her best days came when she was sent to a friend of her mother to comb her hair. However, on one particular day, the friend did a horrible job combing her hair, and she took her comb and walked off.

“Mi grab di comb out a Miss P hand and step out a har house, and mi sey, God teach mi how to comb hair like Marsha” (a lady from her community who was known for her great hairstyles).

She said her life revolved around her friend’s success, and she didn’t focus on her own talent but instead was caught up in what her friend did.

Her friend joined the police force, but eventually got a chance to go overseas. She returned to Jamaica and her job, but eventually she went back to the US to try and make a living there. She interned as a hairdresser until she learnt enough to launch out on her own.

Christina started corresponding with her friend and discovered she was doing great things as a hairdresser and earning a lot. One one occasion she turned her video camera to show Christina her house. 

“She couldn’t do hair when she deh yah suh, and me coulda do it, and she go over there and she learn how fi do hair. Mi a sey, yuh over deh a duh hair,  box cover mi deh a Jamaica a go through my sufferations same way. Mi remember mi write God a letter and sey mi want start a business and di business whey mi want, a mi fi meck di product,” she related.

With no sewing skills, Christina said she asked God for help when she got a sewing machine. She shared that the Almighty showed her how to make curtain, cushion and mat. She said she was taught those skills by the Lord “without even ever using needle and thread”.

Her sewing also built her relationship with the Lord as she highlighted that anytime she was around the machine, she was happy and contented, filled with peace and joy and was always corresponding with Him.

“No matter how di money nah come in, di relationship whey wi have it feel really good,” she noted.

Still on the rough days, she would call a friend and ask for a money, until one of them encouraged her to do the logical thing and go “look a work”. Ignoring the talent she had to work on, she tried to find something steady and more predictable.

She got several jobs, but was so miserable she walked off them. She remembered coming home, locking herself in the bathroom and crying as she was so unhappy. She also informed that she would return from the job so angry and frustrated that she sometimes took it out on her children as she had no peace.

“Whey mi a sey to somebody, sometimes God want us to use your faith to  break some generational curse off your family. The almighty want to use your talent to turn you inna the next billionaire,” she pointed out.

Christina shared that because persons insists on using logics and listening to others, they end up walking away from doing what God really wants them to.

Continuing her encouragement she said there are times we fail to accomplish what we should and end up taking the longer route because “we nuh listen to God. Logic and faith can’t walk together, them a two enemy, dem will never be friends, so if you a guh continually think logics, if you go a work you meck money but you a continually meck money, but learn this whey you could accomplish inna a week you a go teck ten years because you keep on a use logics,” she said.

In concluding she encouraged parents to encourage their children to start thinking like employers instead of employees.  

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