Did you have a lot to eat or drink over the December holiday season? Well, not to worry. Here is how you make the ultimate natural home detox so you can start the new year right.
First, you will need one stalk of aloe vera; let it drain, wash it, peel it, and cut it into bits. You will also need three oranges. For this recipe, you can substitute grapefruit or lemons; I used grapefruits, which I peeled, then cut into pieces. Save the pith (the white part under the skin – it is actually very nutritious) and seeds; I’ll tell you why later on.
Grab a small pineapple, peeled and cut into pieces, three cloves of garlic, 1 and 1/2 inches of ginger, and 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder or raw turmeric.
Now, reduce your pineapple slices to juice by placing them into the blender with 4 ozs. of water. Add all your other ingredients and blend until smooth. Using a large strainer, strain the ingredients so you retain as much fibre as possible. Store in a mason jar or a glass jar with an airtight lid.
For your stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, and blood detox, consume this in three-ounce portions, two or three times a day for the next seven days.
The orange is loaded with vitamin C and fibre, and the seeds can chelate heavy metals and cyanide. The seeds are anthelminthic, which means they kill worms, and the orange overall aids the digestive process.
Aloe vera is loaded with fibre; along with the orange peel, it scrubs the lining of your intestines, especially your colon, and cleans it out like a whistle. Aloe vera also aids with digestion; it relieves constipation and helps with gastritis.
The garlic in our mixture is anthelminthic; it kills worms, bacteria, and viruses; and it also kills candida, which is the fungus that increased in your body over the holiday because of the amount of sugar and flour you consumed.
The ginger also decimates worms, is the “go to” for indigestion, and reduces gas, bloating, and constipation. It kickstarts your weight-loss process, which I know you’re looking forward to! After all, this is the season for the Daniel Diet.
Now, our final ingredient is turmeric. For the scientists who are watching, it aids with Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification; it increases bile production and so cleanses your liver.
There it is – with this ultimate homemade detox, you can start the year with a clean body, so you can take on all your challenges and win.
Dr. Orlando Thomas is a certified functional medicine physician.